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Travel with homesickness | Homesickness flies③
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:惠天骄、李婕舒 发表时间:2023-10-04 23:06

Pan Tingting, a 24-year-old senior overseas Chinese student, left China at the age of 11 to settle abroad due to her parents' work in Brazil. She returned to China at the age of 20 to study at Jinan University.

For Tingting, her hometown is a warm harbor, and her family is a gentle comfort. Every time she returns to her home country, she brings one or two gifts that cross mountains and seas for her relatives and friends in China. For example, powdered milk for her grandfather, Qinwan dates from Qatar to share with friends, Brazilian salami for her roommate... These seemingly simple foods are actually a deep longing for her loved ones. Sweet candies in the mouth can bring sweetness to the heart.

Tingting, who grew up in Brazil, also has a strong interest in Chinese traditional culture. She said, "Chinese traditional culture is like a root planted in my heart." In 2017, she became a volunteer dancer for the Sao Paulo Huaxing Art Troupe, introducing Chinese traditional culture in Sao Paulo through various performance activities.

Even though growing up in a foreign land, Chinese traditional culture blooms beautifully in the hearts of the new generation of overseas Chinese. Tingting, as a new generation of overseas Chinese, is more like a small bridge, connecting the hearts of young people from both countries through cultural exchanges.






统筹 | 郑华如 周乐瑞
拍摄 | 刘畅 惠天骄 李婕舒
文字 配音 | 惠天骄
剪辑 | 刘畅
片头题字 | 惠天骄
片头制作 | 李婕舒

责编 | 王瑜瑛
校对 | 朱艾婷