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16th World Chinese Lion King Competition concluded in Foshan
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:吴泳 发表时间:2023-10-04 23:06

On October 2nd, the 2023 "Wong Fei Hung Cup" & the 16th World Chinese Lion King Competition and Water Double Lion Challenge concluded at Tianhu Park, Xiqiao Mountain, Nanhai, Foshan.

In the end, the Yongning Dragon & Lion Dance Martial Arts Troupe in Xiaolan, Zhongshan City, won the crown of a double lion on water, and Shanghai Xidi Loong Lion Team and Guangzhou Taizhan Dragon and Lion Culture Communication Co., Ltd. won the honors of high-pile southern lion champion and traditional southern lion champion respectively.

On the morning of October 1st, 20 top lion teams from China and abroad gathered at Xiqiao Mountain to compete for the throne of the new World Chinese Lion King. This year's competition consists of three events: traditional southern lions, high-pile southern lions optional routines, and water double lions.

Among them, the traditional southern lion match requires interaction between the awakened lion and the big-headed Buddha, as well as a complete action, tacit understanding, unique style and expressions to present a themed story.

The high-pile southern lion match is a high-difficulty movement that incorporates optional routines into southern martial arts. Whether flying on the pile or jumping and moving on the pile, the participants vividly interpret a mighty and suspicious lion, not to mention the impressive "picking the green". (The green refers to vegetable leaves tied to a piece of string, which also has a red packet attached containing money hung above the door. The lion should "eat" both for good luck.)

The water double lions match is the most difficult and thrilling competition in the lion art, with the greatest number of piles and the highest level of difficulty. There are a total of 82 water piles forming a double pile formation. During the competition, two lion teams each climb onto a pile from one side and perform high-difficulty movements within a limited time. After that, the double lions should jump onto the platform to fight with each other, and the one who knocks the opponent into the water shall be the winner.

As a representative traditional intangible cultural and sports event, the 2023 "Wong Fei Hung Cup" in Xiqiao Mountain is a splendid sports and cultural event that showcases Xiqiao to the whole country and even the world.


10月2日, 2023“黄飞鸿杯”第十六届世界华人狮王争霸赛暨水上双狮挑战赛在佛山南海西樵山天湖公园落幕。







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