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Exploring the "Qingyuan experience" in the new era | Research tour in Guangdong Province to celebrate the 45th anniversary of reform and opening up
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:李泽宇、曾育文 发表时间:2023-09-26 16:21

In recent days, reporters visited the Guangqing Economic Special Cooperation Zone and the Guangqing Industrial Park, as well as the Lianjiangkou Town, Lianzhang Village in Yingde, Qingyuan, to explore the effective explorations made by these two places on the 45th anniversary of reform and opening up.

Guangqing Industrial Park: focusing on the "3+2" industrial system, emphasizing investment attraction and project implementation

From January to July this year, Guangqing Industrial Park recorded a remarkable performance in its large-scale industries, with a total industrial output value of 6.096 billion yuan among large-scale industries, marking an increase of 21% compared to the same period last year. The added value of these large-scale industries reached 1.827 billion yuan, marking a year-on-year growth of 21.9%. As of the end of August this year, the park had signed a total of 286 projects and had 98 industrial enterprises in operation or under trial production, with 53 industrial enterprises currently under construction or in the planning phase.

At present, Guangdong Province is actively promoting the systematic transfer of industries to facilitate regional coordinated development. With the continuous deepening of the integration of Guangzhou and Qingyuan, the Guangqing Industrial Park has entered a new stage of development driven by both optimizing existing resources and expanding new ones. In the next step, efforts will be focused on the '3+2' industrial system within the park, with the ultimate goal of creating a more conducive business environment.

Lianzhang Village: Driving continuous income growth for farmers and attracting young talent to return

Lianzhang Village is located in the southeastern part of Lianjiangkou Town, Yingde City, Qingyuan. In 2016, it was designated as a provincial-level impoverished village. In recent years, Lianzhang Village has actively implemented rural revitalization efforts. The village collective income increased from 110,000 yuan in 2018 to 1.5286 million yuan in 2022, and the per capita disposable income of villagers increased from 15,200 yuan in 2018 to 21,400 yuan in 2022.

Since 2019, Lianzhang Village has introduced a total of 16 industrial projects, including modern agricultural technology demonstration parks, high-tech tea processing demonstration parks, and bamboo shoot processing factories. These projects have had a spillover effect, leading to continuous income growth for 7,199 households in Lianzhang Village and its surrounding areas.

Lu Guowei is a native of Lianzhang Village. In 2017, he returned to Lianzhang Village and became a grassroots poverty alleviation official. He witnessed the transformation of his hometown and experienced the "Qingyuan Experience" of the new era. He stated, "Because there were no suitable job opportunities, young people rarely returned to the village in the past. Now, through rural revitalization and the introduction of various industries, we can provide employment opportunities for young people."










文 | 记者 李泽宇
图 | 记者 曾育文
翻译丨林佳岱 陈萱