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Dongguan: Grandmas "delivering Mid-Autumn gifts" to strengthen family ties
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:王俊伟 发表时间:2023-09-20 00:43

In Dongguan, there are various interesting customs during the Mid-Autumn Festival, including the "Mid-Autumn gifts giving" of Grandmas. As the lunar August approaches, Grandmas in Qishi Town of Dongguan will go to the markets to purchase lanterns and pomelos, and then deliver these gifts in advance to her married daughters' homes as a gesture of goodwill for the festival.

At the farmers' market, the stalls of the vendors are filled with festive items such as lanterns, water chestnuts, pomelos and persimmons. Besides traditional handmade lanterns, there are also electric lanterns in different shapes; besides traditional mooncakes in convenience packages, there are also exquisitely packaged mooncakes with dazzling packaging to captivate the onlookers. According to the lantern vendor, as traditional lanterns have profound meanings and are highly cherished by the locals, sales of lanterns always start booming every year on the first day of lunar August.

Su Mei, a lantern vendor at the Qishi Farmers' Market, explains that there are two types of traditional lanterns. One features a "horse riding" design, symbolizing an auspicious ambition to become top-ranking scholars. Grandmas gift the lanterns to their grandchildren, hoping that they will be intelligent in their studies and be successful when they grow up. The other type of lantern features a pattern called "four-faced genie", signifying the desire for more children and grandchildren.

Grandma Xie, a mother of three daughters, went to the market early in the morning to select traditional lanterns and pomelos for the festival. With the selected gifts, Grandma Xie will visit her grandchildren's homes before the arrival of the Mid-Autumn Festival, to convey her blessings for a joyful Mid-Autumn Festival. Grandma Xie says that the custom of "Mid-Autumn gift giving" has a long history, which not only serves as a good opportunity for the grandmas to express their blessings for their children and grandchildren's bright future but also symbolizes the inheritance of traditional festivals and family affections.

According to Grandma Xie, on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, tradition has it that Grandmas shall purchase lanterns, pomelos, apples, persimmons, mooncakes, etc. as gifts to their daughters. Lanterns symbolize the moonlight that will illuminate the future of her daughters' families, bringing prosperity and good fortune. Pomelos symbolize family reunion, while apples represent peace and well-being for everyone. Together they constitute the Grandma's wishes for her grandchildren to be healthy, happy, and successful in their studies.

On the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival, children will take out the lanterns given by Grandma, light the small candles within the lanterns, and roam the streets with the lanterns in hand while enjoying the festive atmosphere. It is also when the whole family gathers together to enjoy happiness and festivity amid the jubilant atmosphere.


在东莞,中秋佳节里有着各种好玩、有趣的习俗,其中就包括“外婆送中秋”。进入农历八月 ,企石镇的“外婆”就开始忙碌起来,到市场采购灯笼、柚子等,提前到已外嫁女儿家中“送中秋”,祈求好意头。




谢婆婆说,八月十五外婆“送中秋”,外婆要买灯笼、柚子、苹果、柿子、月饼等送到女儿家。灯笼寓意八月十五月光照亮女儿一家的前程, 照得人丁财旺,柚子寓意月团圆,苹果寓意平安大吉、人人好,祝愿外孙身体强壮、活泼快乐、学业进步。


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