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Short film review of 2023 Maritime Guangdong Program recently held: Ten Lingnan story shorts undergo first examination
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:李丽、胡广欣 发表时间:2023-09-19 20:58

The 2023 Maritime Guangdong Young Director Support Program (the 2023 Maritime Guangdong Program) held an eight-hour-long short film review. Ten young directors presented their rough-cut versions for the review panel to examine on-site. The mentors provided comprehensive critiques for the ten short films on composition, cinematography, dialogue, performance, content and theme.

The 2023 Maritime Guangdong Program was launched in April of this year. Following proposal submission and review, ten young directors received a creative support fund of 1.6 million yuan. Over the past summer, these directors led their production teams to Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Jiangmen, Zhanjiang, Qingyuan, Shantou, Chaozhou, Meizhou, as well as Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho in Vietnam, to transform their long-conceived "Guangdong stories" into film.

According to reports, all feedback given by the mentors during the review session was recorded and shared with the ten young directors for future reference. These directors have now commenced a new stage of challenging work in order to refine their rough cut into a polished film.

New perspectives from the younger generation contribute to the global promotion of Chinese traditional culture


"The aspiration of the 2023 Maritime Guangdong Program is to let young people film the Lingnan culture and overseas Chinese culture in their eyes. Judging from the rough cuts completed by the directors so far, this indeed appears to be a good attempt at stimulating the expressive and creative desires of young people," said Zhang Zhenjiang after viewing several rough-cut works, a mentor of the program and the Dean of the School of International Studies and the Academy of Overseas Chinese Studies at Jinan University.

Xiao Xiaoqing, another mentor and Vice Chairman of the Guangdong Film Association, expressed delight at the directors' clever integration of various Lingnan folk cultures into their works, saying, "I personally participated in the 'Parade of the Gods' event in the Chaoshan area depicted in the film 'Reunited', which impressed me a lot. I believe that these precious scenes from Lingnan folk life will resonate with many more viewers during the overseas screenings of these short films."

Supporting this, Jeremiah Foo, a senior film and music producer from Malaysia and an overseas mentor of the program, said, "Most of the films have captured very local and traditional elements, which I believe will arouse foreigners' curiosity about Lingnan culture and overseas Chinese culture."

Mentor Chen Xuejun, a film planner, producer, and critic also praised the strong Lingnan characteristics presented in these works: "The creators have actively incorporated dialect and folklore into the films well."

The generation proficient in imagery needs to beware of the shortcomings of storytelling

Mentor Xie Deju is known for his keen eye for technical details in the work of young directors. "This one gets very professional props." " The lighting in this scene was not handled well." This Golden Rooster Award  winner provided specific and meticulous suggestions on technical modification after the screening of each rough cut, helping the directors achieve the best results without overspending.

Mentor Li Xuewu is a professor at the College of Arts and the Pearl River Film Academy of Jinan University. She openly and constructively critiques the works of young directors, emphasizing the importance of maintaining accurate temporal and psychological logic. She also mentioned two common creative tendencies that need to be noticed. One is creating works lacking content, which is akin to hanging a string of photographs on a rope, and the other is having a storyline but incorrect character states.

Chen Xuejun highlighted some shortcomings in storytelling, attributing it to the thinking mode of the younger generation of creators. He noted that their thinking process is heavily influenced by visuals, owing to their upbringing watching images and graphics, which may impact their ability to effectively narrate a compelling story. To address this, he recommends starting with a small thing to establish a character.

Diverse work styles and courage to try new things most worthy of encouragement

Chen Gongming, a curator and the director of Kwanteo Time-based Art Institute, said after the review: "What has impressed me the most about these works is their diversity. Despite being part of such a supportive program, each director has bravely showcased their own unique style instead of choosing a safer or more conservative approach to storytelling. This program encourages young directors to create what they truly desire, which is of significant importance." Chen believes that this batch of creations will inspire more young people to explore new frontiers with courage, bringing the Maritime Guangdong Program an enduring vitality.

Mentor Hu Lufeng said, "I particularly enjoy several films with 'stream of consciousness'. It's not difficult to shoot a conventional story according to the script, but capturing a concept on film is extremely challenging. I have seen several directors who have already showcased their abilities in this regard."

Mentor Xie Deju believed, "Each work boasts its own characteristics, which may not appeal to everyone. However, it will undoubtedly find an audience that appreciates it. I believe that the stunning scenery portrayed in 'The Puppetmaster' will be appreciated by numerous viewers. 'The River that Holds My Hand' is likely to entice those who appreciate artistic films, while 'My Brother' will capture the attention of viewers who enjoy a compelling storyline. I look forward to the future domestic and international screenings of these short films, as they will attract a diverse range of moviegoers."

















导师谢德炬认为:“每部作品都有自己的个性,不一定被所有人喜欢,但一定能遇到喜欢它的观众。比如《中状元》,我相信电影里的美丽风光一定会让很多人产生共鸣。像《海水泡的茶是什么味道》《The River that Holds My Hand》这样的片子,会吸引一些口味比较艺术的观众。而像《远洋》这样比较具有故事张力的,则会吸引另一批观众。期待‘山海计划’未来的海内外展映,能因此吸引到多种多样的观影者。”

文|羊城晚报全媒体记者 李丽 胡广欣
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 苏敏