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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Mini-documentary of 2023 fishing season at Guangdong’s largest natural harbour debut on Aug 19
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2023-08-18 23:36

12 PM, August 16 2023, the seasonal fishing moratorium in the South China Sea came to an end and a new round of sea cultivation started. Nearly 700 fishing boats from Shenquan Port in Huilai County, Jieyang City, a national-level fishing port and a first-class fishing ground in Guangdong, set sail as scheduled. How do people in Shenquan work closely together to build this largest seafood market in eastern Guangdong? On August 19, the mini-documentary “Setting Sails for Fishing” will tell you the answer.



策划 | 林洁 侯恕望
统筹 | 蔡嘉鸿
拍摄 | 蔡嘉鸿 王子桐
剪辑 | 方浩
编导、文案 | 林心怡
翻译 | 付怡 古司祺
配音 | 刘颖颖
标题设计 | 张惠鑫
海报设计 | 麦宇恒
联动 | 湾区新闻部
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 桂晴