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iSeeChina|Lion Dance Brings Good Luck新年醒狮开运!
来源:羊城晚报-云上岭南 作者:刘泳希、温泽广 发表时间:2025-01-30 19:44

On Chinese New Year’s Day, the lion dance brings good luck! Meet the “Lion Boy” from Ecuador as he learns the ancient art of lion dancing. From mastering the lion steps to feeling the lion's emotions—will he succeed? Watch his exciting debut!  


总策划丨任天阳 林海利
总统筹丨胡泉 蒋铮
执行统筹丨赵鹏 李国辉
文|刘泳希 实习生 梁恩琪
图片、视频|温泽广 实习生 叶琪鸿