The history of Cantonese opera is long and storied, with its origins traceable to the Daoguang period of The Qing Dynasty. During this time, the Bayin class, which made a living by singing Cantonese opera in acappella, served as its prototype. In the early years of the Tongzhi era, both Cantonese opera and the local performing arts of Lingnan provided rich nourishment for Cantonese opera, leading to its maturation. After the establishment of the Republic of China, female performers known as "nüling" gradually emerged on the tea house stages, singing Cantonese opera. They shifted from using the "official dialect of the theater" to the Guangzhou dialect and from falsetto to natural voice, which greatly enhanced the singing techniques and artistic expressiveness of Cantonese opera. This transformation elevated it to one of the most prominent art forms in Guangdong and even across the nation.
On the sixth floor of Luohu Commercial City in Shenzhen, there lies a special area spanning over 1,500 square meters, where a rich and diverse cultural atmosphere thrives. Eight traditional Chinese music have made their home here. Every day, numerous Cantonese opera enthusiasts from Shenzhen and Hong Kong gather to enjoy the beauty of music, playing instruments and singing, and even recording their own albums. Additionally, there is a photography studio dedicated to Cantonese opera. This studio not only captures the elegance of many renowned Cantonese opera performers but also strives to preserve and pass on this traditional cultural treasure through the lens.Here, you can witness a series of vivid Cantonese opera photography works that not only capture the splendid moments of the performers but also showcase the unique charm and profound heritage of Cantonese opera. In this episode, Yige and Nana will guide you into the hallowed halls of Cantonese opera art, offering an in-depth exploration of the local Cantonese opera culture. Listen to the stories of Cantonese opera and feel those people's passion and dedication to this art form.
【《洋娜娜·趣深圳》②】 穿戏服,练身段!沉浸式感受粤剧文化……就在罗湖!
粤曲的历史源远流长,其起源可追溯至清道光年间,当时以清唱粤剧为业的八音班为其雏形。同治初期,粤剧和岭南本土的曲艺都为粤曲供给了丰富营养,粤曲趋于成熟。民国以后,在茶楼歌台上逐渐出现了“女伶”演唱粤曲,改“戏棚官话”为 广州方言,改假嗓为真嗓,使得粤曲的演唱技巧和艺术表现力也得到了极大的提升,使其成为了广东地区乃至全国范围内备受瞩目的艺术形式之一。
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