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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
The only population of Antarctic penguins in Guangzhou lay eggs!
来源:羊城晚报-云上岭南 作者:刘星彤 发表时间:2024-10-13 20:47

On October 12th, reporters learned from Grandview Aquarium that Antarctic penguins are experiencing their breeding season now. So far, the penguins have laid a total of six eggs, and the penguin parents are taking turns incubating them. Back in December 2022, Grandview Aquarium successfully bred three Antarctic penguins for the first time, marking a historic achievement for the region by being the first to have Antarctic penguins born in Guangzhou. This confirms that Grandview Aquarium has met the conditions and requirements for the natural breeding of Antarctic penguins.

It is reported that the breeding season for Antarctic penguins runs from September to January of the following year, with the incubation period typically lasting between 35 to 38 days. The penguin babies will likely hatch in mid to late November.

To ensure the egg-laying of the penguins, caretakers provide the Antarctic penguins with scientifically formulated nutrition and a suitable rearing environment, including "luxurious private quarters". To guarantee the health and safety of each penguin during the incubation, a significant amount of goose eggshells is needed for nesting. The caretakers have also built high-quality breeding nests for the penguins, with these goose eggshells being considered "valuable currency" in the breeding of Antarctic penguins.

To provide visitors with a deeper understanding of the penguin breeding story, Grandview Aquarium and Grandview Penguin Snow World have set up educational classes focused on penguin breeding. Guests not only have the chance to observe the adorable sight of penguin parents taking turns incubating their eggs, but they can also learn about the growth and breeding of polar animals.

Source :Lingnan on the Cloud






文、图|记者 刘星彤 通讯员 魏双双
译 | 林佳岱
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