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Cantonese opera meets Choy Li Fut: Guangzhou Yueju Opera Theater unveils 'Southern Fist'
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:黄宙辉 发表时间:2024-08-29 21:45

What sparks might fly when Cantonese opera meets Choy Li Fut, a traditional Southern Chinese martial art?

On August 28th, the Guangzhou Yueju Opera Theater held a press conference to announce the launch of rehearsals for their newly composed opera, "Southern Fist". The opera is slated to premiere at the 9th Yangcheng Cantonese Opera Festival this November.

This production coincides with the 15th anniversary of Cantonese opera's recognition by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. The creation and performance of "Southern Fist" mark another significant step in the preservation and promotion of Cantonese opera.

Celebrating patriotic spirit through the heroism of the common man

The creative team describes "Southern Fist" as a work that blends Choy Li Fut, a national intangible cultural heritage and a key style of Lingnan martial arts, with the southern school of Cantonese opera. Set against the backdrop of the 1930s, a pivotal period in the development of Southern Fist, the opera tells the story of Jiang Yilong, a martial arts champion who rose to the occasion during a national crisis, embodying the spirit of patriotism.

Through the tale of how Jiang evolves from a local hero to a national symbol, the opera showcases the strength and beauty of Lingnan martial arts and the unique charm of Cantonese opera. It pays tribute to the patriotism of common heroes, represented by the martial artists of Lingnan.

Showcasing the dual heritage of the Greater Bay Area

"Southern Fist" follows the success of"Double Embroidery Fate", another opera by the Guangzhou Yueju Opera Theater inspired by intangible cultural heritage.

Both Cantonese opera and Southern Fist are deeply rooted in the Lingnan region, sharing a rich historical connection. Southern-style martial arts are a distinctive feature of Cantonese opera performance, originating from Lingnan martial arts, including Choy Li Fut.

Established over 170 years ago, Choy Li Fut is renowned as one of the most widely practiced Southern Chinese martial arts styles, earning the reputation of "Tai Chi in the North, Choy Li Fut in the South".

Playwright Liang Yunan explains that "Southern Fist" delves into the historical context of Choy Li Fut, intertwining Cantonese opera with Lingnan martial arts to highlight the depth of Chinese martial arts and the open, inclusive spirit of Cantonese culture. 

He also notes that many characters in the opera are based on real people, with the storyline inspired by true events, though both have been artistically adapted for the stage.

A fresh interpretation of Lingnan cultural beauty

"When I hear the words 'Southern Fist', I feel a surge of passion," says director Weng Guosheng, a Guangdong native and a third-generation disciple of Peking opera master Gai Jiaotian. Trained as a martial arts actor, Weng is excited to direct this production, which he believes is exactly the kind of work needed to showcase the positive energy, heroism, and spirit of the Chinese people.

When they were creating the opera, the team found new ways to blend Cantonese opera with Choy Li Fut, leading to a fresh and harmonious synthesis. The opera retains the traditional powerful and precise martial arts style of Cantonese opera's southern school while artistically incorporating elements of Choy Li Fut, offering audiences a new aesthetic experience.

In the performance, Choy Li Fut will not only be presented as martial arts moves but will also be artistically enhanced to provide a more comprehensive and profound depiction, allowing the audience to deeply appreciate the cultural beauty inherent in Lingnan martial arts.


















文丨记者 黄宙辉 通讯员 文瑶