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Jiangmen: customs boosts 'Taishan eel' popularity in Japanese and ROK's markets| In Guangdong We Trust
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:陈卓栋 发表时间:2024-08-22 21:51

Taishan City in Jiangmen is China's largest eel farming base. Over the years, the Taishan eel industry has developed an integrated supply chain encompassing farming, processing, and exporting. Taishan eels have long been favored by the Japanese and Republic of Korea's (ROK) markets, often leading to demand exceeding supply. According to Taishan Customs, part of Jiangmen Customs, from January to July 2024, exports of live Taishan eels to Japan and ROK accounted for over 75% of the national export volume.

A representative from Taishan Customs stated that the customs office has been actively promoting a "company + base + standardization" production model among local businesses. They provide scientific guidance for companies to enhance their internal risk control mechanisms, strictly manage the introduction and quarantine of eel seedlings, and maintain high standards in feed quality and medication. Additionally, they have optimized the entire production process, including eel fry cultivation, feed input, farming environment, and water quality safety, establishing a traceable residue monitoring and quality assurance system to ensure the safety and quality of exported eels.

To address the low survival rates and high transportation costs associated with the traditional "land-air-sea" method of transporting live eels, Taishan Customs leveraged the "customs-government-enterprise" direct policy advantages. They collaborated with local governments, eel associations, and enterprises to research eel industry development and opened a new "land-sea" transportation route, significantly improving eel survival rates and effectively reducing costs for businesses.

Taishan Gongrong Food Co., Ltd. ("Gongrong Food"), a private processing company that grew from an eel farming enterprise, primarily produces frozen grilled eel products, with over 90% of its products exported to Japan. "We are actively exploring international markets beyond Japan. This year, we successfully exported our grilled eel to the ROK, and we believe our products will reach more international markets in the future. We are very confident about the company's prospects," said Song Xueming, General Manager of Gongrong Food.

A representative from Taishan Customs explained, "Last August, during a visit to Gongrong Food, we learned of their interest in expanding into the ROK's market. We immediately organized a team of experts to provide on-site guidance on their production line, focusing on their quality control systems, critical food safety points, and production management details. We helped them refine their processes and assisted them in applying for registration with Korean authorities. By November, Gongrong Food was officially listed on the website of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of the ROK."

According to statistics, from January to July 2024, Jiangmen Customs supervised the export of 7,241.7 tons of eels and eel products, with a total value of 1.06 billion yuan, representing an 11.8% year-on-year increase.

Source :Lingnan on the Cloud








文 | 记者 陈卓栋 通讯员 江关宣
译 | 赵凡
英文审校 | 林佳岱