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Analysis|Motives behind the assassination attempt on Trump and its impact on the election
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:钱克锦 发表时间:2024-07-15 22:02

Pennsylvania, July13th — During a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, former U.S. President Donald Trump was attacked by a shooter. The incident left Trump with an injury to his right ear, and he was seen with blood on his face as the Secret Serviceescorted him off the stage.

The shooter was killed on the spot by the Secret Service personnel. Besides, one attendee lost his life, and two others were seriously injured.

This assassination attempt has shocked the world, raising two major questions: What was the motive behind the shooter's attack on Trump? And how might this incident impact the upcoming U.S. presidential election?

Let's first address the motive.

Currently, available information reveals that the shooter was Thomas Crooks, a 20-year-old registered Republican who had once donated 15 dollars to Joe Biden's campaign. It's worth noting that in the U.S., Party registration is not strictly enforced, and a Republican supporter does not necessarily support Trump.

Crooks' motives remain unclear since he is no longer alive to provide an explanation.

Public speculation suggests three possible motives.

First, some believe the attack was orchestrated by the so-called "deep state".

"Deep state" is a term referring to influential bureaucratic entities such as the United States Department of Justice, intelligence agencies, or the military-industrial complex. Some believe these groups are the true power behind the U.S. government, referring to them as the "Dark Empire" or "State within a State."

Supporters of this theory argue that these groups view Trump as a threat to their interests and resorted to assassination since they couldn't defeat him electorally.

This perspective is popular among Trump's far-right supporters and is often labeled as a conspiracy theory. Following the assassination attempt, this narrative has gained some traction.

Second, some suggest that it is the gunman's personal behavior driven by intense personal animosity towards Trump.

Since Trump's candidacy, the political climate in America has grown increasingly violent. Although Trump is known for his verbal aggression, this has potentially incited violent tendencies in his opponents. It's possible that Crooks harbored deep resentment towards Trump, fearing his return to power would undermine American democracy, prompting him to take extreme action.

Some Republicans have blamed the Democrats' hostile rhetoric towards Trump for inciting the attack.

Third, a minority believe that Trump might have staged the assassination attempt.

They argue that if Trump were only injured in the assassination attempt and not killed, he would emerge as a hero and resilient fighter, garnering sympathy and potentially securing more votes.

Of the three motives, the author finds the first one unlikely, and the thirdeven less plausible. Given the visible injury to Trump's right ear, any closer and it could have been fatal, making it improbable that he would risk his life in a high-stakes self-staged act just to gain votes.

So, the second motive appears most plausible, individual extreme behaviors with intense personal animosity towards Trump.

However, this conclusion is tentative, as investigations into such incidents rarely yield conclusive results. Even when they do, public skepticism often still persists.

In U.S. history, investigations into the assassination of presidents and presidential candidates have often faced similar challenges.

Now, let's consider the potential impact of this event on the presidential election.

It can be seen from two aspects, the first is whether he can attend the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee and the recent impact of the assassination attempt, and the second is the long-term impact of the event.

In the short term, Trump's injury is unlikely to prevent him from attending the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on July 15th, as reports indicate his wounds are not severe.

The assassination attempt has, in fact, boosted Trump's image, allowing him to position himself as a courageous and determined candidate.

This incident counters previous criticisms from Democrats who labeled Trump a coward for allegedly dodging military service when he was young.

But now, the image of Trump, bloodied yet defiant, will likely resonate positively with many voters, casting him as a fighter.

Trump can also use this incident to attack Democrats, accusing them of desperation and unethical tactics, while simultaneously garnering public sympathy.

Consequently, in the short term, the benefits brought bythe assassination attempt on Trump may significantly outweigh his injury.

The Biden campaign's cautious response underscores this advantage.

After news of Trump's assassination attempt broke, Biden's campaign reacted quickly and cautiously. They engaged in standard, politically correct actions, such as condemning violence, calling for unity, pausing campaign activities, and canceling some campaign ads.

However, Biden and his campaign are unlikely to comment extensively on the incident to avoid any misinterpretations that could benefit Trump and negatively impact himself.

In the long term, the impact of the assassination attempt on the U.S. presidential election remains to be seen. With nearly four months until the election, if the investigation concludes that the incident is unrelated to the Democratic Party and is purely an individual act, the assassination effect will diminish, and the impact on the campaigns of Trump and Biden will be minimal.

However, if the investigation reveals any connection between the shooter, Thomas Crooks, and the Democratic Party, it could significantly harm the Democratic Party's chances in the election.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News









第一,认为是所谓的“深层政府”(deep state)组织、指使的。

























文|羊城晚报国际评论员 钱克锦