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A foreigner's experience of Chinese-style romance: "So great!"
来源:羊城晚报•羊城派 作者:符畅 发表时间:2024-07-11 21:38

On July 9th, "the most beautiful outdoor marriage registration point" in Baiyun District, Guangzhou, was officially inaugurated at Maofeng Mountain. A simple but romantic Chinese-style certificate awarding ceremony was held at Tianhu Square. Nine couples experienced Chinese-style romance in traditional ceremonies, exchanging the most beautiful marriage certificates, and other elements typical of a Chinese wedding.

Amidst hills covered with red bean trees, with the main peak standing at 520 meters above sea level and a forest trail spanning 1314 meters, there lies a lake where swans symbolize the utmost fidelity of love. On that day, "the most beautiful outdoor marriage registration point" at Maofeng Mountain, was officially unveiled. It will serve as one of the venues for collective weddings organized by the district in the future. Guided by the host on-site and witnessed by guests and loved ones, nine couples participated in traditional ceremonies such as drinking cross-cupped wine, reading marriage vows and more. With heartfelt blessings, they tied the knot, imbuing the occasion with a sense of ceremony and joy.

"Today, I brought my husband here specifically to experience a Chinese-style wedding. We've learned a lot about traditional Chinese wedding customs and find it very meaningful," said Mrs. Liang, who met her husband John in Canada. She told reporters that outdoor weddings are common abroad, often involving inviting family and friends, but not like the collective weddings in China where many couples participate together. John also praised the experience, enjoying the beautiful outdoor scenery and feeling it was "so great!"

"We plan to periodically organize certificate awarding ceremonies or collective weddings for new couples during peak marriage seasons in the future, fully utilizing this outdoor registration point. This initiative aims to promote simplified and efficient marriage procedures and set new trends in wedding customs," explained a representative from the Marriage Registration Office of Baiyun District Bureau of Civil Affairs. The bureau is actively exploring a new model of marriage services combining weddings, cultural tourism, and rural revitalization. They plan to leverage local advantages to designate more scenic outdoor registration points, making it easier for couples to participate in these simple but romantic ceremonies and promoting innovative wedding practices.

In the future, Maofeng Mountain Scenic Area will continue to explore and utilize its unique advantages, planning and constructing more spots for wedding photos to further boost the vitality of the "sweet economy".

Source :Yangcheng Evening News

外国新人体验中式浪漫,感觉“So Great”



“今天特地带先生前来体验中式婚礼,我们学到了很多传统的中国婚俗,觉得非常有意义。”梁女士和丈夫约翰相识于加拿大,她告诉记者,户外婚礼在国外很常见,但大部分是邀请家人朋友一起参加,没有像中国这样很多新人一起参加的集体婚礼。约翰也大赞体验感很好、户外风景很美,“So Great”!



文|记者 符畅 通讯员 肖惠津 刘青云