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Meng Meng, the eldest of the world's only giant panda triplet, gives birth at Chimelong Safari Park
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:黎存根 发表时间:2024-07-04 23:10

On July 2nd, 2024, Guangzhou Chimelong Safari Park (Chimelong) announced that Meng Meng, the eldest of the world's only giant panda triplets, successfully gave birth to a female cub in the early hours of June 18th in Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong province. The newborn panda has been a source of delight for everyone.


As of July 1st, the baby panda's weight has reached 423.5 grams, a gain of 245.5 grams since birth. The cub now sports white fur over its pink skin, with its eyes, ears, shoulders, and limbs starting to turn black. The adorable sight of the cub trying to roll over has charmed everyone.

At 3:38 AM on June 18th, Chimelong's panda care team celebrated the arrival of Meng Meng's cub after 128 days of pregnancy. The cub, weighing 178 grams at birth, had a robust cry and showed all signs of good health.

Meng Meng quickly adapted to her new role as a mother, gently cradling her baby and carrying it in her mouth when needed. In the first few weeks, especially the first week, Meng Meng stayed by her cub's side almost constantly, often forgoing food and water to care for her newborn.

Chimelong's care team conducts daily health checks on the cub, meticulously recording its growth data. By July 1st, the cub had grown to 423.5 grams, a gain of 245.5 grams since birth. The cub now sports white fur over its pink skin, with its eyes, ears, shoulders, and limbs starting to turn black.

Meng Meng, the only female among the world's only giant panda triplets, has always been under special care and was previously included in China's national panda breeding program. 

In March 2024, caretakers from Chimelong's care team noticed an increase in Meng Meng's appetite and overall good spirits. By mid-May, her movements became cautious, and her activity level decreased, indicating impending labor. Then a comfortable "delivery room" was prepared for her.

The first week to the first month after birth is critical. The care team monitors the cub continuously, noting its feeding, bowel movements, and sleep patterns. They also pay close attention to its cries and Meng Meng's behavior to prevent any accidental harm to the cub.

Thanks to the meticulous care and scientific approach of the Chimelong care team, Meng Meng is recovering well postpartum, and her cub is also thriving.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News




6月18日凌晨3点3 8分,长隆野生动物世界里的熊猫保育团队迎来了好消息。大熊猫“萌萌”在怀孕128天后,顺利产下一胎雌性幼仔,幼仔体重达到178克,小仔出生后叫声嘹亮、外观正常,健康状况良好。





据介绍,幼仔诞生的前一周到满月最为关键,一刻都不能脱离观察。保育团队会随时记录幼仔状态,例如进食、排便和是否入睡等行为,甚至连叫声也会特别留意,时刻观察 “萌萌”的状态,以防其不小心调整姿态时对小仔造成伤害。


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