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The 14th National Exhibition of Fine Arts: Exhibition of Chinese Painting held in Guangzhou
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2024-06-29 22:28

On June 29th, the 14th National Exhibition of Fine Arts: Exhibition of Chinese Painting opened at the Guangzhou Museum of Art.

The National Exhibition of Fine Arts, held every five years, is a major event in China's art community. The Exhibition of Chinese Painting is one of the largest and most anticipated sections of the exhibition. This year, a total of 1,296 works were submitted for review and evaluation from provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and troops across the country. After rigorous selection, 698 pieces were selected, with 103 of them set to be displayed in Beijing.

The Exhibition serves as a comprehensive review of contemporary Chinese painting achievements over the past five years, during which China has made significant strides in various aspects including society, technology, and culture, providing abundant creative materials for artists. The exhibited works cover a wide range of themes reflecting the new trends of the times, including rural revitalization, technological development, cultural heritage, and ecological conservation.On June 30th, the academic symposium of the 14th National Exhibition of Fine Arts: Exhibition of Chinese Painting will be held at the Guangzhou Museum of Art. Experts and artist representatives attending will engage in in-depth discussions on the theme of "The Development and Characteristics of Chinese Painting in the New Era".

The exhibition will run until August 25th.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News







总策划:杜传贵 林海利
统筹:陈桥生 邓琼 侯恕望 吴小攀
文 | 记者 梁善茵 周欣怡 吴大海 朱绍杰
图 | 记者 钟振彬 林清石 王子桐
翻译丨林佳岱 肖凯欣