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Exclusive | How should the international community better inherit and promote the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence?
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:董柳 发表时间:2024-06-29 22:03

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the proclamation of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. On June 28th, a grand commemoration ceremony was held in Beijing. 

Reflecting on this milestone, Professor Huang Huikang from Wuhan University's Institute of International Law provided insights in an exclusive interview with Yangcheng Evening News on how the international community can better promote the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence today.

Huang Huikang: In promoting a world of multipolarity based on mutual respect, equality, and order, sovereignty, and equality remain fundamental principles governing relations between nations under international law. Upholding sovereignty entails mutual respect for each other's independence, territorial integrity, and political autonomy. It involves respecting nations' rights to choose their own development paths and social systems and acknowledging their efforts to maintain political security and social stability. It also means respecting countries' endeavors to promote economic and social development, enhance public welfare, and autonomously resolve disputes. In a context of equal multipolarity, all nations, regardless of size or strength, are equal under the law, with equal rights, opportunities, and adherence to rules, enabling them to equally participate, enjoy rights, and play roles in the multipolar process. Ordered multipolarity entails adhering to the principles and purposes of the United Nations Charter and universally recognized norms in international relations, fostering cooperation in global governance processes.

Striving for mutually beneficial cooperation, we advocate for inclusive economic globalization. As a community with a shared destiny, cooperation for mutual benefit should guide countries' basic policy orientations in handling international affairs. It requires embracing new concepts of win-win outcomes, rejecting zero-sum thinking, and upholding principles of fairness and justice to safeguard a fair and rational international economic order. Inclusive globalization means addressing imbalances in global resource allocation that affect countries internally and between nations, ensuring that the benefits of economic and social development reach all peoples. It supports countries in choosing development models based on their national conditions, opposing unilateralism and protectionism that harm others without benefiting oneself, and rejecting all forms of de-globalization.

To achieve peaceful coexistence and support inclusive cultural diversity, it is essential not only to respect the various civilizations that have evolved from different histories, national conditions, ethnicities, and customs but also to promote their mutual learning and integration through dialogue and inclusivity. Upholding an ethos of equality, mutual learning, dialogue, and inclusiveness in civilizations fosters their creative development and opposes theories of "clash of civilizations" or notions of cultural superiority. It rejects the exclusion or repression of dissenting voices and opposes imposing democratic or liberal values in ways that intensify confrontation. Furthermore, it opposes associating terrorism with specific ethnic or religious groups.

Building upon the foundation of international rule of law, democratic governance of international relations is crucial. The international rule of law not only represents a collective human aspiration but also serves as a vital safeguard for democratizing international relations. Strengthening international legislation promotes global governance, ensuring the equal participation of all nations in rule-making processes, and ensuring international rules reflect rights, obligations, and responsibilities equitably, balancing national interests with global common interests. It aims to uphold and develop the universally recognized international legal framework based on the UN Charter. Upholding impartial international justice, international judicial institutions should adhere to objective and fair principles, interpret and apply international law comprehensively, accurately, equally, and consistently within their authorized mandate, avoiding overreach or expansion of authority. Countries should also create a conducive international environment for independent performance and non-interference in each other's affairs. Enhancing law enforcement and judicial cooperation under recognized international law is crucial for cross-border extradition, asset recovery, combating drug trafficking, cybercrime, and terrorism, while staunchly opposing actions that infringe on sovereign rights under the pretext of crime prevention.

To champion multilateralism and firmly establish a fair and just image of a great nation, it is crucial to recognize that today's world is interconnected, with shared destinies and common challenges. Collaborative efforts and mutual benefit are essential in navigating these challenges together. Countries must steadfastly uphold the authority of the United Nations (UN) and unequivocally oppose closed-group politics disguised under the banner of multilateralism. They should resist attempts to impose the domestic laws and norms of a few countries on the international community and reject attempts to ideologize multilateralism. It is imperative to uphold international law based on the UN Charter and guard against remnants of hegemony and colonialism that undermine universally recognized international laws and basic principles of international relations. This entails using universally applied international law to guide international relations practices consistently.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News









文丨记者 董柳