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【大美广东】The Cantonese Opera "Cheng Ying Rescuing the Orphan" premiered in Guangdong


来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2024-06-20 21:03

Art and Culture | On June 18 and 19, the #Cantonese Opera "Cheng Ying Rescuing the Orphan" premiered at Guangdong Yueju Opera Theater. The Cantonese version of "The Zhao Family Orphan" received unanimous admiration from the audience through its distinctive characters, profound emotional expression, and vivid and delicate performance.

The stage of the #opera was magnificent, combining the sensibility and the spirit in a coherent and reorganized way. It not only carried the overall choreographic style of the play, gave continuity and expansion to the theater space, and set the stage for the characters' costumes but also indirectly triggered the audience's infinite thinking.

The elegant and atmospheric music of the play was highly contagious, maintaining the #musical and singing characteristics of Cantonese opera, as well as bold and innovative music and singing that suits the emotions of the characters.#artandculture


