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【大美广东】The first stop of a Tang-style Costume Exhibition will be held at Shenzhen Festival Avenue, reproducing the charm of the Tang Dynasty


来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2024-06-13 20:37

Art and Culture | From June 14 to 30, the first stop of a Tang-style Costume Exhibition in #China will be held at One Avenue of Shenzhen Festival Avenue. In this exhibition, artists have done some artistic creations rely on the cultural relics from the #Dunhuang Academy, the #Xi'an Museum, and the #Xinjiang #Museum, creating six immersive featured venues, including Tang-style concert, Tang suit show, #costume exhibition, art workshop, Tang-style #bazaar, and art light show, to lead the audience to feel the grandeur and elegance of the Tang Dynasty. #artandculture
