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Video | BRI countries' documentary filmmaker learned Chinese calligraphy: "I want to know Chinese better!"
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:付怡、刘畅 发表时间:2024-06-06 23:42

Liliana Rocha Kawase, a documentary filmmaker from Brazil, came to China for a trip in 2004. She studied Chinese for six months in advance to communicate better. In China, she became a big fan of Chinese culture. She kept studying Chinese afterwards.

During the 2024 Belt and Road Initiative Documentary Consortium Survey Trip, Liliana learned some Chinese calligraphy to write her name in Chinese.

Why is she so interested in Chinese calligraphy? She told us the story between her and China.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News


巴西的纪录片制片人莉莉安娜·罗查·川濑曾于 2004 年来到中国旅行。为了更好的交流,她提前学了6个月中文。在中国旅行期间,她爱上了中国文化,此后,她保持了中文学习。

5日,在 2024“一带一路”纪录片制作人访学研修班参访珠海时,莉莉安娜在北山社区里学着用中国书法写下自己的中文名字。


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