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8th China Litchi & Longan Industry Conference opens in Maoming
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:全良波、詹翔闵 发表时间:2024-05-20 23:14

On May 20th, 2024, the 8th China Litchi & Longan Industry Conference commenced in Maoming, a city adorned with lush greenery and the sweet fragrance of lychees. This marks the fifth consecutive year that Maoming has been chosen as the host city for this prestigious event.

Hosting the conference for five consecutive years has not only established Maoming as a prominent trading platform for the lychee and longan industries but has also facilitated its absorption of advanced technologies from both domestic and international sources, enriching the local technological landscape.

In Maoming, many lychee orchards have adopted smart management practices. Through the utilization of technologies such as image data collection, IoT-based digital monitoring, and integrated smart irrigation and fertilization systems, orchards have achieved remote management and precise production. This has resulted in reductions of over 40% in fertilizer and pesticide usage, with product quality reaching 100% compliance and profits increasing by over 20%, as reported by relevant orchard managers.

Beyond cultivation, technology has played a prominent role in lychee preservation. Every year, new technologies are introduced, including the cultivation of storage-resistant varieties, sulfur-free preservation techniques, and dry fog-controlled humidification cold chain logistics. These advancements have led to extended preservation periods for lychees, enhancing their market viability.

As the "Homeland of Lychees in China," Maoming boasts a history of over 2,000 years in lychee cultivation. Phrases like "One in every five lychees worldwide comes from Maoming" and "Maoming is the largestlychee-producing region globally" highlight its significance in the industry. Through hosting industry conferences, the city widely promoted its millennium-old culture of lychee cultivation.

During past conferences, the rights to pick from ancient lychee and longan trees were auctioned. The concept of "customized lychees" has evolved from evaluating individual fruits, trees, and orchards to a model of selling lychees based on their vintage. As of May 17th, Maoming's lychee customization enterprises have received 43,389 orders, with a totalvolume exceeding 39,858 tons.

Maoming's Baiqiao Lychee Park, spanning over 15,000 mu, serves as the main production area for high-quality lychees and longans in Gaozhou. In recent years, the construction of supporting facilities such as the 520 wedding photography base, RV campsites, digital nomad tribes, starry sky camps, intangible cultural heritage workshops, Sweet Honey Hotel, and the green plank road has been in full swing. With the continuous improvement of the park, tourists flock in, and the villagers' lives are getting better.

Over the past year, Maoming's entire lychee industry chain has achieved a production value of 12 billion yuan, an increase of 8.3%. The city has established a national lychee germplasm resource garden covering an area of over 500 mu, undertaking tasks such as lychee germplasm resource preservation experiments, new variety breeding, and technology promotion.

This is the world's largest national lychee germplasm resource garden in terms of the quantity and variety of preserved lychee germplasm resources. By collecting over 700 lychee germplasm resources globally, it has established itself as a "Silicon Valley" of lychee seed industry. High-quality varieties such as Baitangying, Guiwei, and Feizixiao account for 80% of the total, far above the average level. The planting area for early and late-maturing varieties accounts for 47% of the total, extending the production period from early April to late July, increasing by over a month.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News









过去一年,茂名市荔枝全产业链产值120亿元,增长8.3%,建成了占地面积500多亩的国家荔枝种质资源圃,承担荔枝种质资源保存试验、新品种选育、技术推广等任务。    这是世界上保存荔枝种质资源数量最多、种类最全的国家级荔枝种质资源圃,收集全球700多份荔枝种质资源,打造荔枝种业“硅谷”。白糖罂、桂味、妃子笑等优质品种占比达80%,远高于平均水平;早、迟熟品种面积占比达47%,产期延长至4月上旬到7月下旬,前后均增加1个多月。  

文|记者 全良波 詹翔闵 卓剑斯