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Moroccan child successfully treated for Hodgkin Lymphoma in Guangzhou
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:陈辉 发表时间:2024-05-17 23:27

Recently, a young patient from Morocco, referred to as Ai for anonymity, completed a one-year treatment at the Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center in Guangzhou, China. After comprehensive evaluation, it was confirmed that Ai's Hodgkin lymphoma has been completely relieved, and his health is gradually improving.

In recent years, an increasing number of foreign patients have been seeking medical treatment in China. The Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, known as a leading institution for cancer treatment in China, has been providing assistance to many international patients.

In 2023, the Pediatric Oncology Department of the Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center welcomed Ai, a 7-year-old boy from Morocco. Accompanied by his parents, they traveled a long way to seek treatment under the care of Professor Zhang Yizhuo, a renowned expert in pediatric oncology. Professor Zhang promptly examined the young patient, comforting the anxious parents and patiently learning about the child's condition.

In 2022, Ai developed a swelling on the left side of his neck, leading to a biopsy revealing Hodgkin lymphoma. This sudden diagnosis left Ai's parents extremely anxious, prompting them to embark on a six-month journey in search of medical help.

"In this hospital, many patients have been given a second chance at life!" Through a chance encounter, the family's friends doing business in Guangzhou mentioned the Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center to Ai's parents. The family immediately researched online, finding information about the Pediatric Oncology Department and Professor Zhang, and promptly made the decision to come to China. With a fervent desire for a cure, the family embarked on a transcontinental journey in search of medical help.

In October 2023, Moroccan child Ai made his first visit to the outpatient department of the Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center. The pediatric oncology team, led by Professor Zhang, swiftly conducted imaging assessments, pathology consultations, and other necessary evaluations. After gaining a comprehensive understanding of Ai's condition, Professor Zhang, along with Associate Chief Physician Wang Juan, collaborated closely with the team from the Integrative Chinese Medicine Department, led by Professor Zhang Bei, Associate Professor Huang Yuanyuan, and Associate Chief Physician Bai Long. On November 3, 2023, they devised a comprehensive treatment plan combining Western and Chinese medical approaches.

Due to seeking medical care in a foreign country, Ai's family experienced numerous difficulties in daily life and language barriers. Led by Nurse Chief Cai Ruiqing and Nurse Chief Cao Huijiao, the nursing team provided meticulous care and support. During the Chinese New Year, the nursing team even prepared a reunion dinner for the family. "We made a 'Chinese dragon' painting for Ai, offering him encouragement and blessings in the Chinese way!" Nurse Chief Cai Ruiqing remarked.

Now, Ai has completed his treatment and returned to his homeland. During their stay in China, the family learned to use WeChat, and stay in touch with the treatment team. They often share Ai's latest photos through WeChat. "Seeing the child's happy smile and good condition, the medical staff feels extremely gratified," Professor Zhang commented.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News










文|记者 陈辉 通讯员 郑敏珊