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RCEP benefits: Guangzhou Customs facilitates ¥39 bn of foreign trade in the first 4 months
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:汪海晏 发表时间:2024-05-17 08:38

Since the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) came into full effect for all signatory countries, the institutional dividends have been continuously unleashed. According to statistics, in the first four months of this year, Guangzhou Customs issued 6,421 RCEP certificates of origin, benefiting goods worth 17.6 billion yuan, with year-on-year increases of 16.9% and 9.1%, respectively. The main exported products include ceramics, plastic products, and footwear. Enterprises declared imports of RCEP goods worth 20.6 billion yuan to Guangzhou Customs, enjoying tariff reduction of about 40 million yuan, with year-on-year increases of 38.9% and 9.6%. RCEP mainly benefits goods such as hot-rolled steel plates and engine spare parts.

Since the implementation of RCEP, member countries have implemented planned tariff reductions on imported RCEP goods. As of the end of April this year, Japan has implemented the fourth round of tariff reductions, the Philippines has implemented the second round, and the remaining 13 countries have all implemented the third round.

On May 4th, under the supervision of Zhaoqin Customs, a batch of cleaning agents, oil sprays, silicone sprays, film sprays, and lubricants exported to Japan. With the RCEP certificate of origin issued by the customs, these goods can enjoy tariff reduction of over 13,000 yuan.

Guangdong is a significant production base for China's textile and apparel industry, with clothing production accounting for approximately one-third of the national total. Member countries of the RCEP are crucial export markets for Guangdong's textile and apparel products. In the first four months of this year, Guangzhou Customs issued RCEP certificates of origin for approximately 89 million yuan worth of exported garments, witnessing a year-on-year growth of over 40%.

The implementation of RCEP has further propelled the export of Guangdong's leather products. From January to April this year, Guangzhou Customs issued RCEP certificates of origin for leather products with a total value of 130 million yuan.

Another highlight of RCEP is the introduction of the Approved Exporter Self-Declaration of Origin mode. Guangzhou Customs has implemented a cultivation plan for AEO enterprises and approved exporters, assisting companies in enjoying the dual benefits of "AEO + RCEP." (Note: The Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) is the highest credit rating approved by customs.)

Qingyuan Guangshuo Footwear Co., Ltd., a AEO certified enterprise, exports its products to RCEP member countries such as Japan and South Korea. In March 2023, the company was designated as an approved exporter by Guangzhou Customs. "After becoming an approved exporter, we can issue RCEP certificates of origin independently, which have the same effect as those issued by customs. This allows us to arrange export plans more flexibly and further reduce operating costs," said the manager of the foreign trade export department of Qingyuan Guangshuo Footwear Co., Ltd.

According to statistics, since the implementation of RCEP, Guangzhou Customs has cultivated 139 approved exporters, ranking first among customs nationwide. In the first four months of this year, these approved exporters issued over 260 certificates of origin, benefiting goods worth 85.7 million yuan, with year-on-year increases of 105.1% and 24.4%, respectively.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News

RCEP红利持续释放! 前4月广州海关助39亿元货物进出口享惠









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