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Two Sessions insight | Delegates' call: why 'visit Guangdong' resonates?
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:李妹妍 发表时间:2024-03-09 21:51

"We invite friends from the media to explore Guangdong further and experience its remarkable landscapes, culinary offerings, and the unique Lingnan atmosphere." "We also extend a warm invitation to businesses and professionals at home and abroad to engage with Guangdong and the Greater Bay Area, to explore the abundant opportunities available, and to contribute to high-quality development." During the Guangdong delegation's group session at the second session of the 14th National People's Congress, it was noted that the delegates did more than just answer questions from the press; they actively encouraged firsthand experiences of Guangdong.


Why should one consider Guangdong? Recent figures presented at the Guangdong Provincial High-quality Development Conference highlight its appeal: with a permanent population of 127 million and a daily presence of 150 million, the province demonstrates its allure and vibrancy. Last year, Guangdong became the first province to surpass 13 trillion yuan GDP, maintaining its lead in China's economy for 35 years. This vibrancy and prosperity underscore the delegates' invitations to explore Guangdong.

For those seeking innovation and entrepreneurship, Guangdong is the place to be. The province has consistently led in regional innovation capacity for seven consecutive years, as of 2023. It ranks highest in terms of the number of its R&D personnel, high-tech enterprises, active innovation patents, and PCT international patent applications in China. Guangdong's robust ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship attracts leading innovators and entrepreneurs from around the globe.

For a fulfilling career and lifestyle, Guangdong is an appealing choice. Its openness and dynamic economy attract young job-seekers. According to the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Guangdong Province, in 2023, over 970,000 local graduates stayed there for work, joined by those from other provinces and returning from abroad, totaling over 1.2 million—a record high in both number and growth rate. Beyond employment opportunities, Guangdong's ongoing advancements in culture, education, science and technology, talent development, and high-quality healthcare are making more people say, "This feels like home."

For a rich cultural and tourism experience, Guangdong stands out. During the Chinese New Year of Dragon, Guangdong was a focal point, welcoming 76.069 million visitors and generating 69.36 billion yuan in tourism revenue. The province offered a vibrant mix of flower markets, traditional opera, folk traditions, and culinary specialties. The invitation to "ring in the Chinese New Year in Guangdong" was not just a slogan, but a promise of genuine hospitality with benefits like reduced airfares, discounted attraction tickets, hotel deals, and live cultural performances at scenic spots, making it an irresistible destination.

Everywhere you look in Guangdong, it is like spring is in full bloom. More and more people are choosing Guangdong as the place to start an enterprise, build careers, live a better life, and travel, fostering an environment ripe for high-quality development and a wealth of experiences. Embarking on a journey to Guangdong opens up new possibilities and a chance to discover a more exhilarating version of oneself.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News








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