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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
A new expectation coming from the Pamirs to Beijing
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:柳卓楠、罗仕 发表时间:2024-03-07 22:47

At 8 am on March 5th, light rain mixed with sporadic snowflakes brought the temperature down by seven to eight degrees Celsius in Beijing. However, the atmosphere outside the Great Hall of the People remained vibrant.

"Hello, everyone. I'm here in front of the Great Hall of the People, where the Second Session of the Fourteenth National People's Congress is set to commence this morning. Behind me, the deputieshavestarted to enter the Great Hall..." Amidst the bustling crowd outside the Great Hall, journalists from around the world had gathered early to report in the rain. Despite the chilly weather, both the deputies and the busy journalists wore bright smiles.


This year saw over 3,000 Chinese and foreign journalists registering to cover the "two sessions," nearly matching the number of attending deputies. Among them, there were over 2,000 journalists from the Chinese mainland and more than 1,000 journalists from Hong Kong, Macao, Chinese Taiwan, and foreign countries, marking a significant increase compared to previous years. Consequently, the journalists who came from afar found themselves becoming the focus of attention.

“How do you feel about covering the National People's Congress in China this time? ”

“What topics do you focus on during this session?”


A familiar figure caught the attention of the journalist of Yangcheng Evening News. With surprise, she quickly approached and tapped on his shoulder. It was an old friend who had been absent for almost half a year—journalist Anushervon Rasulov from Tajikistan.

In July 2023, duringthe interviewsby the Yangcheng Evening News for the special report "Landmarks Constructed by China on Foreign Banknotes" in Tajikistan, Anushervon was the specially invited reporter. Eight months later, the friendship forged in the Pamirs continued in Beijing.

"I'm glad to be in Beijing covering the'twosessions.' Here, we can clearly see the efforts made by the deputies for the country's progress and the people's well-being." This time, Anushervon is particularly interested in China's economic development, technological progress, and its role in global politics. "I look forward to hearing about China's sustainable development plans, the latest news about strategic development, and how to respond to the world's challenges," he said.

As a journalist, Anushervon has frequented both China and Tajikistan in recent years, telling stories of Sino-Tajik friendship. "I like and admire China so much. Every visit here leaves me with a different impression." He noted that during the "two sessions," he was particularly impressed by China's evolving role on the world stage, its innovative drive, and the unwavering resilience of its people. "Observing the changes and vitality of this great country, I feel very honored."

After a brief exchange, Anushervon disappeared into the crowd.

At 9 am, the Second Session of the Fourteenth National People's Congress commenced at the Great Hall. The media area on the third floor was packed, with domestic and foreign journalists witnessing China's "grand event in spring" together, recording the vivid practiceofwhole-process people's democracy with their pens and cameras.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News














文、图|记者 柳卓楠 罗仕