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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
2024 YMCG event tours around cultural landmarks in Guangzhou
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:艾修煜 发表时间:2024-03-03 23:18

The first stop of the event was the Cantonese Opera Art Museum in Xiguan, a place that used to be a popular venue for Cantonese opera activities and a gathering spot for renowned opera performers. On October 2, 2009, Cantonese opera was inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity after the joint application by Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, marking a successful collaboration in the artistic field within the Greater Bay Area. At the same time, it serves as a precious opportunity for exchanges between Chinese and Western culture when the young participants and mentors of the 2024 YMCGimmersedthemselves in Guangdong's traditional opera culture in the Cantonese Opera Art Museum.

At the center of the museum, by the shore of Lake Wansha, musicians from YMCG stroke up a tune together. The Museum also arranged a special performance of the classic Cantonese opera excerpt "Battlefield Sweethearts".

Gareth Davies, the principal flutist of the London Symphony Orchestra and a mentor for YMCG, expressed his fascination with the traditional opera performance, stating, "This kind of traditional opera is absolutely captivating."

Karl Thorsson, a percussionist from Sweden, was deeply moved by the percussion music in the Cantonese opera. "This is my first time to hear percussion in a traditional opera, it's so marvelous and impactful," he said.

The second stop of the event features an outdoor performance at the Guangdong Museum. Karl Thorsson, together with a group of young percussionists from YMCG, performed a piece he specifically composed for the YMCG on the central axis of Guangzhou. The resounding beats created a sense ofdeterminationas if telling the history of this city.

At the end of the performance,bythe foot of the Canton Tower, the young musicians of YMCG engaged in a profound dialogue with their predecessors through their performance of Beethoven's woodwind ensemble and Dukas's brass horn. Whileatthe pinnacle of the Canton Tower, two brass players performed "I Love You, China" and "Under the Lion Rock" with a duet of trumpet and French horn, the sound of which echoed through the clouds.



The 2024 YMCG (Youth Music Culture the Greater Bay Area) event was recently held in Guangzhou.







文丨记者 艾修煜