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【大美广东】Fire dragon marks the Lantern Festival! Puzhai Town, Fengshun County, Meizhou City, held a traditional "fire dragon" activity 火龙闹元宵!梅州丰顺埔寨举行传统“烧龙”活动
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2024-02-26 20:53

Art and culture | On the evening of 24th February, Puzhai Town, Fengshun County, Meizhou City, known as "the hometown of #China's fire dragons", held the traditional Lantern Festival - "fire Dragon". In the #Lantern Festival, the local people use #bamboo and #straw to tie out the shape of the "golden dragon", installing #firecrackers and inserting #incense, with #gongs and #drums. Then they burn and dance with the "golden dragon", commonly known as the "fire dragon", praying for favorable #weather. The scene of "fire dragon" was very lively this year. Dozens of young people held the "fire dragon" in their hands and kept dancing up and down. At the same time, the fire spread along the fuse and ignited the #fireworks on the #dragon. The "golden dragon" was instantly transformed into a sparking "fire dragon", triggering a magnificent and spectacular scene. #artandculture

2月24日晚,被誉为“中国火龙之乡”的梅州市丰顺县埔寨镇举行传统的闹元宵活动——“烧龙”。每逢元宵佳节,当地人们都要用竹篾、稻草扎成“金龙”形状,在“金龙”上安爆竹、插香火,配以锣鼓,燃放舞动“金龙”,俗称“烧龙”,以此祈求风调雨顺、五谷丰登。“烧龙”现场热闹非凡,几十位赤膊壮汉手擎“火龙” ,在“金龙”不停上下舞动的同时,火也会跟着引线蔓延,逐节点燃龙身上的烟花,“金龙”瞬间变为银花飞溅、火花四射的“火龙”。气势磅礴,场面蔚为壮观。