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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud

【老广贺春】Spring rendezvous in Guangzhou: Blossoms and fireworks


来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2024-02-14 10:29

Guangzhou, the city of the south, is adorned with the long-awaited spring flower market, which brings smiles to everyone as the city blossoms with vibrant colors, signaling the arrival of spring. Whether selecting favorite flowers or sharing laughter with family and friends, these moments encapsulate the love for life. After 12 years, magnificent fireworks illuminate the sky above the Baietan pool once again. Like blooming flowers, each firework sends forth blessings for the new year, adding to the beauty and excitement of the occasion.


策划|林洁 侯恕望

统筹|黄巍俊 颜长江

拍摄|钟振彬 宋金峪 刘畅 陈秋明 梁喻 贺全胜 实习生 黄贝潼

剪辑|王绮静 黎杰文
