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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
【大美广东】There is always a lamp lit for you | Visit Guangdong in the New Year 总有一盏灯为你亮着|请到广东过大年
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:王楠 发表时间:2024-02-08 18:36

Spring Blessings of Lingnan | A Northern girl who has lived in #Guangzhou for a decade expressed her love for the city in #WeChat moments: “In Guangzhou, no matter how late it is, there is always a #lamp lit for you to feel the warmth of the city in the convenience #store.” In Guangzhou, convenience stores are around every corner, and lights line up the banks of the Pearl #River. Lights in the city are like the lamp lit up for you on the balcony when you come home late at night, warming up the #hearts and souls of hundreds of thousands of people here. #NewYearinLingnan

“在广州,无论多晚,总有一家便利店亮着灯,随时都能进去感受这座城市的温暖。” 在广州生活了十年的北方姑娘在朋友圈表达自己对广州的“中意”。在广州,街头巷尾随处可见的便利店、珠江两岸闪烁着的灯带,就如同夜晚回家时阳台上点亮的那盏灯,温暖着这座城市里千万人的心灵。

文 | 王楠