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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud

【大美广东】The warm winter sunshine in the cold winter gives people an infinite sense of happiness.


来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2024-02-06 19:22

Spring Blessings of Lingnan | The average winter temperature in #Guangdong ranges from 13 to 21 degrees centigrade. When the cold air from #Siberia makes the Northern land frozen and wrapped in silver, Guangdong, a coastal province located in South #China, is still sunny, with red #flowers and green #leaves. The warm #sunshine in the cold #winter gives people an infinite sense of happiness. #Reasons to visit Guangdong for Chinese New Year  #NewYearinLingnan




13至21摄氏度,是广东冬天的平均温度。当西伯利亚的寒流让北方大地千里冰封、银装素裹之时,南海之滨的广东依旧阳光灿烂、花红叶绿。数九寒天里,一束暖暖冬阳,当有人间至美的幸福感。#请到广东过大年的N个理由 #老广贺春