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Video|Xie Hua: keep the original dream and believe in the future | Master's Studio ⑨
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:周欣怡、朱绍杰 发表时间:2024-02-01 23:22

In Paifang Street in Chaozhou Ancient Town, there is a courtyard called Mingde Garden. Unlike the bustling Paifang Street, the garden is a different world. In the front courtyard, there is a pond with groups of carp, while a quiet and elegant bamboo forest grows in the back courtyard, which blends harmoniously with the two-floor main building.

The owner of this garden is Xie Hua, the only Chinese arts and crafts master for Chaozhou's handmade red clay teapots and the fifth-generation successor of the "Junhe" brand.

People from Chaozhou are fond of tea, where a teapot with brewed tea sets the tone for their daily lives. With the inclusion of "Chinese Tea" as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage in 2022, Chinese tea has become popular worldwide.And Chaozhou Gongfu tea ceremony is an important part of it, and the "Gongfu"(“工夫”)in Gongfu tea largely represents the handmade red clay teapots.

Xie Hua has been devoted to the study of handmade teapot making for nearly 40 years. In 1983, at the age of 17, Xie went into the profession under the guidance of his father, learning the essentials of handmade teapot making and its business operation. Xie jokingly said that he didn't even have time to take a shower for more than a week. He would throw clay from 7 AM until 11 PM every day.

The craftsmanship of Xie's teapot is rooted in nature and achieved mastery through a comprehensive study. He is good at integrating classical, modern, domestic, and foreign aesthetic concepts into his works of red clay pots. "Great truths are always simple. To make a pot, it begins with simple steps, thenventuringinto complexity, and finally goes back to simple." Xie added that except for technology, the key to making a good teapot lies in "the effort outside the pot".He nourishes the art of pots with philosophy and tries to use the essence of traditional Chinese culture, such as ancient ceramics, bronzes, Wadang (eaves) from the Han Dynasty, and carvings.

According to Xie, the exquisite charm displayed by a good teapot is a kind of artistic creativity that follows the natural way. The so-called "great truths are always simple" means that the more simple the teapot is, the more charm it has. Born with the teapot, this literary charm carries its tension, which can communicate with people and highlight its temperament naturally. 

Source:Yangcheng Evening News








文 | 记者 周欣怡 朱绍杰
图、视频 | 彭泽祥 彭灏明 陈贤宇 戚容源 唐德荣 林丹丹 暨晴 李可渲(实习生)
翻译|Bunny 陈萱

出品人:杜传贵 林海利
策划:孙爱群 陈桥生
统筹:朱绍杰 何奔
执行:周欣怡 彭灏明 文艺 黄宙辉 孙磊