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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Come and explore Xiguan with a map of Liwan's delightful cuisine!
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:马思泳、陈秋明 发表时间:2023-12-30 22:46

On December 29th, the inaugural Liwan special culinary tourism promotion and Xiguan City Walk event kicked off at the Guangzhou International Medical Port.

In the week leading up to the opening ceremony, online activities such as the "Choose Your Favorite Xiguan Flavor" online voting event, the "Food Route Recommenders" and the "Scrumptious Liwan" short video contest had already begun, attracting enthusiastic participation from the netizens, with a cumulative total of around 11,000 votes.

Finally, in the voting event for the representative Xiguan snacks, shrimp dumplings, sampan congee, and steamed rice rolls took the lead with 758, 654, and 496 votes respectively, closely followed by stir-fried rice noodles with beef.

Favorites among local residents and tourists also include traditional Canton dishes such as boiled chicken slices, crispy roasted goose, and nourishing Canton soups, with 223, 180, and 153 votes respectively.

During the opening ceremony, the "Culinary Delights in Liwan – Hand-Drawn Map of Liwan Cuisine" was released, which consisted of nearly 200 watercolor paintings by renowned urban sketch artist Jiang Liu, showcasing the flavors of Liwan cuisine in a vivid way.

The vivid map of Liwan cuisine not only demonstrates all the locations of the representative cuisines and the famous food districts in Xiguan, but also highlights sections like "Cantonese restaurants frequently visited by the locals","recommended restaurants for chicken dishes","Cantonese herbal tea and sweet soup stores" etc., as well as food rankings"Top 10 Cantonese Restaurants" and"Top 20 Snack Shops", guiding visitors to explore the culinary treasures.

Moreover, over 100 representative and distinctive food establishments were selected from over 3,000 restaurants in Liwan to form the "Latest News about Liwan Cuisine" section on the map. It also introduces the top ten recommended food districts catering to the popular trend of Citywalk, including Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street, Yongqingfang Food Street, Shamian Island and so on.

The hand-drawn map of Liwan's delightful cuisine can be obtained for free at various scenic spots, museums, star hotels, guesthouses, and the Xiguan sightseeing buses in Liwan. The digital version can also be downloaded for free on the WeChat official account "文旅荔湾".

Source:Yangcheng Evening News






开幕式上,《食在广州 味在荔湾——荔湾美食手绘地图》正式首发。荔湾美食地图邀请城市人文旅游手绘作家江柳进行绘制,地图包含了近200幅钢笔淡彩画作,以轻松活泼、喜闻乐见的手绘形式展现荔湾味道。




文|记者 马思泳 通讯员 荔宣
图|记者 陈秋明