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【大美广东】2023 Zhongshan Xiaolan Chrysanthemum Fair Concluded


来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:张德钢 发表时间:2023-12-14 20:21

Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | On December 11, the 2023 Zhongshan Xiaolan Chrysanthemum Fair concluded on a high note. The fair attracted a large number of tourists to enjoy the chrysanthemums in chrysanthemum varieties display, art performances, and culture displays. As one of the highlights of the fair, the Golden Earth Concert includes eight special activities, featuring various genres such as folk music, pop music, orchestral music, Cantonese opera, and salty water songs. Additionally, there were special sessions for children and enterprises, aiming to create a music feast for the public. A large-scale chrysanthemum banquet, the Zhongshan Hanfu Festival, and the chrysanthemum cheongsam show also gained a lot of popularity. #SplendidLingnan

12月11日,2023年中山小榄菊花会落下帷幕。2023年小榄菊花会以精美的菊艺展示、精彩的文艺展演、丰富的文旅活动吸引着大量游客前来赏菊、品菊。作为2023年小榄菊花会的一大特色亮点,金色大地音乐会系列活动共设八大专场,包括民歌民乐、流行乐、管弦乐团、粤曲、咸水歌、百姓专场、永大花海专场、儿童专场等多个门类主题,让观众在花海飘香迷人的环境下,享受全民菊会、全民享乐的音乐盛宴。千人菊花宴 、“秋韵菊城 共赏霓裳”中山汉服节、菊花旗袍秀等持续“出圈”。

文、图丨记者 张德钢 通讯员 榄轩