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Video|Guangzhou Shimen welcomes the annual red leaf viewing season
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:马思泳、陈秋明、黎杰文 发表时间:2023-12-09 23:01

Guangzhou Shimen National Forest Park welcomes the annual red leaf viewing season. On December 8th, the 21st Red Leaf Festival (hereinafter referred to as the Festival) opened at the Shimen National Forest Park in Guangzhou. This year's festival will run from December 8th, 2023, to January 14th, 2024, lasting for over a month.

As visitors slowly drive into the Maple Leaf Scenic Area, the gradually turning red landscape unfolds, with sunlight piercing through the trees, casting a radiant glow on the leaves.

Wandering through the Maple Leaf Scenic Area, clusters of people gather around maple trees whose leaves have turned red, making it one of the popular photo spots for local residents and tourists visiting Shimen National Forest Park. Against the backdrop of blue skies and white clouds, the red leaves create a picturesque scene, prompting visitors to capture the beauty.

Moving from the Maple Leaf Scenic Area towards the nearby South Tianchi, one can witness several Dawn Redwoods standing along the lake, displaying shades of orange-red. The combination of Dawn Redwoods, wooden bridges, the lake, pavilions, and mountains form a unique Southern landscape for the autumn-winter season, distinct from the forested scenery of the Maple Leaf area.

Shimen National Forest Park boasts an impressive forest coverage of 96.58%, with over 3,000 mu of red leaves, dominated by Sweetgum, Sapium Discolor, and Maple trees.

The Maple Leaf Scenic Area, the Drunken Red Pavilion Scenic Area, and the Red Maple Lake Scenic Area are the main viewing points for the red leaves, each with its own distinct features. The Maple Leaf Scenic Area with its picturesque Sweetgum tree forest, the Drunken Red Pavilion Scenic Area with its hills covered in Sapium Discolor trees, and the Red Maple Lake Scenic Area with its water and red leaves create a stunning display.

Furthermore, the viewing experience varies based on the characteristics of Sweetgum, Sapium Discolor, and Maple trees. The vibrant and attractive red leaves of the Sweetgum trees make them suitable for close-up viewing, while the multicolored distribution of Sapium Discolor leaves, ranging from red to yellow and green, is best appreciated from a distance. Maple trees, scattered throughout the park, with their slender palm-shaped leaves, offer photo opportunities for visitors.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News









文 | 记者 马思泳 通讯员 林园轩
图 | 记者 陈秋明
视频 | 记者 陈秋明 马思泳 黎杰文
责编 | 王瑜瑛
校对 | 彭继业