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Vladimir Imamovich Norov: China demonstrates mutual respect and common development to the world through actions
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:郭思琦、李钢、钟振彬 发表时间:2023-12-06 23:07

On December 4th, the 2023 Imperial Springs International Forum opened in Guangzhou, bringing together dignitaries from various countries in politics, academia, and business to discuss "Multilateralism: More Exchanges, Greater Inclusiveness and Cooperation." In an interview with the Yangcheng Evening News, Vladimir Imamovich Norov, former Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and former Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan, expressed that the Belt and Road Initiative has significantly benefited many Central Asian countries over the past decade and its achievements are evident.

In today's international community, various factors have undermined multilateralism. Norov believes that the existence of double standards in current world politics poses a significant danger. To truly implement multilateralism, he suggests that countries should address global challenges through dialogue and collaboration. China, in its process of reform and opening up, has aimed to take on more responsibility by enhancing its economic strength. Initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative seek to unite developed and developing nations in addressing global issues through dialogue and negotiation.

Norov, who previously served as the Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, emphasized the organization's role as an international platform promoting multilateralism. Over the organization's more than 20 years of existence, China has demonstrated through its actions how principles such as mutual trust, mutual respect, and common development can be achieved, encouraging member countries to follow suit and receiving praise from member countries.

Highlighting the tenth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, Norov praised its remarkable achievements over the past decade of development.

Citing the proverbial Chinese saying: "To get rich, build roads first," Norov shared with reporters, "My country, Uzbekistan, is a doubly landlocked country. In other words, it's landlocked and surrounded by landlocked neighbors. Thus, the cost of transportation often constitutes more than half of the prices of imported and exported goods. Therefore, for us, the construction of transportation infrastructure is crucial." He mentioned that Uzbekistan was among the first countries to support and actively participate in the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative. Over the past decade, there has been significant growth in railway transportation, marking a great achievement from which Uzbekistan has benefited.

In the current international context, Norov stressed the forum's importance, especially its focus on multilateralism. He highlighted China's commitment to multilateralism, contributing to the global process of globalization and fostering unity to address various global challenges.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News








文 | 记者 郭思琦 李钢
图 | 记者 钟振彬
译 | 刘佳慧
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 马曼婷