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【大美广东】Magical Species| Meet the little helpers keeping beaches clean in Guangdong!

神奇的物种| 清洁沙滩的小能手来了!我们“抓”住它来瞧一瞧

来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2023-12-04 19:17

Deep Breath | In Guangdong, a group of foreign kids are exploring various wetland parks, observing the species that inhabit Guangdong, and enjoying the province's livable ecology. Let's take a look at these magical species through a series of short videos.

Tabitha Law from Malaysia visited the Cuiheng National Wetland Park in Zhongshan, Guangdong. This park encompasses estuarine areas, mangroves, muddy beaches, tidal salt marshes, and paddy fields, providing a habitat for diverse wildlife, including the agile sand crabs. #WildLingnan #Guangdong

在广东有这么一群外籍小朋友,他们打卡广东多个湿地公园,观察发现前来广东栖息生活的物种,展现广东的宜居生态,让我们通过短视频,来看看神奇的物种。来自马来西亚的小朋友Tabitha Law打卡了广东中山翠亨国家湿地公园,这里有河口水域、红树林、淤泥质海滩、潮间盐水沼泽、水田五个湿地型,不少生物在这里繁衍生息,同时也给沙蟹提供了舒适的生活环境。