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【大美广东】Russian student chooses to stay and work in China after graduation


来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:赵鹏 李国辉 曾潇 古司祺 发表时间:2023-11-21 20:04

Here are Kotletki, Farshirovannye Yaytsa, Narezka, and many more. International students from Russia brought a wide range of Russian delicacies to the recently held 15th World Culture Festival of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. The general manager of the Russian stall has been in China for four years. She believes that Chinese and Russian cuisines have their own characteristics. In the future, she will be working as a translator. She said, "After graduation, I am ready to stay and work in China."

俄罗斯山肉饼(Kotletki)、鸡蛋馅儿(Farshirovannye Yaytsa)、火腿肉片(Narezka)……在日前举行的广东外语外贸大学第十五届世界文化节上,来自俄罗斯的留学生们带来了多种当地美食。摊位的总负责人来到中国已有四年之久,她认为中俄两国的美食各有特色。谈及未来,她表示希望深耕翻译领域: “毕业后准备去工作,会留在中国。”

文/羊城晚报全媒体记者 赵鹏 李国辉 曾潇 古司祺

视频制作/实习生 温颖