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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
The 9th Chinese Culture and Art Festival kicks off in Guangzhou
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:谭铮 发表时间:2023-11-14 22:32

On November 13th, amid the fragrance of tea and the melody of Chinese zither, the first Chinese traditional culture experience event of the 9th Chinese Culture and Art Festiva l was held in Guangzhou, attracting nearly 200 returned overseas Chinese and their families to immerse themselves in the essence of Chinese traditional culture and deepen their understanding and love for it.

The experience event contains three parts: "Resonance of Ancient Melodies", "Art of Floral Arrangement" and "Color of Tea Ceremony". Accompanied by the enchanting music of Lingnan zither played by Ning Lanqing, a representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage, participants had the opportunity to admire the floral arrangement exhibition presented by the renowned artist from the overseas Chinese community, Gu Yuhua. They also had the chance to experience the elegant charm of "Dian cha", a tea-making method in the Song Dynasty, while tasting the fragrance of tea with their families. Through these experiences, participants have genuinely felt the infinite charm of Lingnan's unique intangible cultural heritages.

After experiencing tea art, calligraphy and other cultural activities, Zheng Zhijian, the President of the Association of Guangdong, Hong Kong & Macau Citizens Friendship of Nigeria, expressed his excitement, "The Culture and Art Festival today is very special. It allows us to easily experience the colorful traditional culture of China. I hope that my friends in Africa can also witness the Chinese traditional culture I experienced here."

Liu Wensen, the Honorary President of the Sun Yat-sen University Vancouver Alumni Association, said, "The longer overseas Chinese live abroad, the stronger their nostalgia for home will be. This Festival allows me to sense the profoundness of Chinese culture and also ignites my gratitude towards the motherland. When experiencing the tea culture, I taste not just the fragrance of Pu'er tea, but also the bitterness of homesickness."

In the photo area, the organizing committee has set up a special wall to showcase the meaningful objects brought by overseas Chinese leaders, which represent their host countries with rich stories behind them. It serves as a special display of the nostalgia for the home of overseas Chinese. Yuan Yongjia, the Secretary-General of the UAE Guangdong Chamber of Commerce and Fellow Citizens Association, brought with him an award-winning calligraphy work from Arabia that reads "中阿友谊长存" (meaning "May the friendship between China and the UAE last forever"). He said, "As a calligraphy enthusiast, I have been dedicated to promoting Chinese calligraphy in Dubai as a program for the public good. I want to enhance the friendship between our two peoples through cultural exchanges."







文|记者 谭铮 通讯员 穗侨宣
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 马曼婷