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【大美广东】Diego Ottaviani, Italian Chef of a Guangzhou Restaurant: Learn the essence of Chinese and Western Cuisines to create innovative Italian flavors

广州餐厅意大利主厨Diego Ottaviani:中西贯通汲取精华,创新打造意式风味

来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2023-11-10 20:36

Italian Chef Diego Ottaviani, currently Head Chef at LIMONI Italian Restaurant at The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou, has discovered that the flavors of China's northern and southern cuisines are similar to those of some regions in Italy. Sautéed Leaf Lettuce and Diced Fish with Black Bean Sauce Saut is a classic Cantonese home-style dish that inspired Diego to create Pan-fried Cod with Potato Mayonnaise, Caramelized Sweet Pepper Sauce, and Stir-fried Baby Bok Choy Vegetables with Silverfish Fillet. China has a wide variety of cuisines that carry a profound cultural heritage. Diego hopes that he can draw his inspiration from local Chinese dishes, apply it to the cooking and design of Italian cuisine, and continue to explore the ways of presenting Italian cuisine in China. #LingnanCuisine

广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店LIMONI意轩主厨Diego Ottaviani

Diego Ottaviani在烹饪中把握细节注重品质

Diego Ottaviani和同事们在研究菜单

对烹饪的每一道菜肴,Diego Ottaviani都投入全身心的热情与专注

Diego Ottaviani将意大利面改良,以饺子的形式呈现




来自意大利的厨师Diego Ottaviani现任广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店LIMONI意轩主厨,他发现中国南北美食的口味和意大利部分地区的口味有着异曲同工之妙。豆豉鲮鱼炒油麦菜是经典的粤式家常菜,这道家常菜激发了Diego Ottaviani的灵感,创作了香煎鳕鱼配土豆蛋黄酱、焦糖甜椒酱、银鱼柳炒小棠菜。菜式中的鱼油香味,就是通过翻炒银鱼而得到的。中国美食繁多,承载着深厚的人文底蕴, Diego Ottavian表示,希望能从中国本地菜肴中挖掘创作美食的灵感,并运用到意大利菜的烹饪和研发创意中,持续探索意大利菜在中国呈现的方式。

文 | 记者 马思泳 王敏 

图 | 记者 陈秋明

视频 | 记者 陈秋明 黄士 马思泳 实习生 高原