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【大美广东】Take a City Walk of flower blossoms in Guangzhou in November!

在十一月,到广州来一场花海City Walk

来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2023-11-09 19:30

#TheGreatBeautyofGuangdong In November, Guangzhou is worth the name of "City of Flowers". Take a City Walk to unlock the most beautiful season of Guangzhou with the gorgeous Bougainvillea and the gentle breeze. Bougainvillea, which blooms in three seasons, is evergreen in all seasons. Its tiny flowers, wrapped in bracts and leaves, are triangular in shape and are mostly colored in bright red, rose, yellow and white with some flowers showing mixed colors, giving it a tenacious vitality and low-key character. Every fall and winter, Bougainvillea comes into full bloom. Whether in residential compounds, balconies, or on flyovers and streets, Bougainvillea can be found everywhere in Guangzhou.

十一月的广州无愧于“花城”的称号,来一次City Walk,在绚烂的簕杜鹃与习习微风里,解锁花城最美的季节。簕杜鹃,三季开花,四季常绿。它的花朵细小,外面裹着苞叶,呈三角形,颜色以艳红色、玫红色、黄色、白色居多,有的花朵还呈现出杂色,具有顽强的生命力和低调的性格。每逢秋冬时节,簕杜鹃便进入盛花期。无论是居民区的大院、阳台,还是城市的天桥、街道,簕杜鹃在广州随处可见。

监制 | 龚丹枫 陈晓璇

策划、统筹 | 秦小杰 王沫依

文字 | 王沫依 实习生 李晓蝶

视频脚本 | 秦小杰 实习生 郑昕晅

图、视频拍摄 | 甘卓然 王沫依

视频剪辑 | 秦小杰 实习生 涂露倩

出镜 | 李可欣

