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2023 Hugo Award winner Hai Ya: Defining "science fiction" with a more inclusive mind
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:孙磊 发表时间:2023-10-26 00:03

On the evening of October 21st, the 2023 Hugo Awards were announced at the 2023 Chengdu World Science Fiction Convention. Chinese science fiction writer Hai Ya won the Best Novelette Award for his novel"The Space-Time Painter".

The Hugo Award is one of the highest international awards in the field of science fiction. "I am so blessed and so lucky that my dream has come true," Hai said during his acceptance speech on stage.

The rise of science fiction is not necessarily related to winning awards

Yangcheng Evening News: In recent years, Chinese writers have won many awards in science fiction literature. Many people see it as the rise of Chinese science fiction. What do you think of that?

Hai Ya: I think Chinese science fiction literature has indeed made great progress in recent years, but it is not necessarily related to winning awards. I don't think one or two awards can determine the rise of science fiction. We need more quality works and a wider community of writers and readers. As long as the work is recognized by the market and readers, it is considered successful even without winning awards.

Yangcheng Evening News: In your opinion, what is the reason for the rapid development of science fiction in recent years?

Hai Ya: The first is the development of science. Science and technology have brought rapid changes to our real lives and promoted our imagination about the future. Another is that with the improvement of the scientific literacy of the people, the audience of science fiction works will rapidly rise. In the future, science and technology will further develop, and we already have the material and environment for creation, though I cannot predict how China's science fiction literature will explode.

Defining "science fiction" with a more inclusive mind

Yangcheng Evening News: The first feeling after reading "The Space-Time Painter" is that it is very different from science fiction in the traditional sense, and the content of science fiction is very small in the story. How did you understand and define science fiction when you were writing it?

Hai Ya: In my opinion, as long as you write science fiction following a kind of reverence for science fiction and science and write it with scientific belief, even if the conclusion you make may not be correct, there is no problem. At least, I think I should use a more inclusive attitude to look at these similar works. In my opinion, the emergence of different voices in literary creation or literary criticism is normal, and it reflects the flourishing and healthy ecology of this literary style.

We should not emphasize solely the literariness of science fiction

Yangcheng Evening News: I noticed that in "The Space-Time Painter", the narration of ancient and modern is completely intertwined. What is your consideration of this idea?

Hai Ya: I think it makes the plot and the threads flow more smoothly. If the novel were completely placed in ancient times, then such switching would not exist, and it might be based on the clues of several characters. Some of my works will choose only ancient times as the background, and some will choose to switch between ancient and modern times, mainly depending on the historical record. I can give full play to my imagination for the history that is vague or even blank. In the case of a well-documented history, I seek to conform as much as possible to the existing historical record. As for those events with vague historical records, my introduction can be introduced.

Yangcheng Evening News: What do you think about the literariness and language of science fiction?

Hai Ya: I think science fiction is popular literature, and the literariness of which should not be emphasized blindly, and literature should not be separated from the masses. If people like to read a work, it doesn't matter if it's literary. Some people may also analyze the values in science fiction. I think there is no need to have a very unified interpretation and cognition. The fun of literature is that everyone has different views and interpretations.

















文|记者 孙磊
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