On the afternoon of October 20th, the "International Forum of Manuscript Cultures and Artistic Exchange in China and Beyond" was successfully held at the Academic Lecture Hall of Changgang Campus, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. The forum, convened by Pietro De Laurentis, a renowned Italian sinologist and professor at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, brought together distinguished scholars from China, Italy, and the UK to engage in an in-depth dialogue and exchange on the theme around the language art of Italian and Chinese.
Among the attendees were Giorgio Daviddi, Deputy Consul General of the Italian Consulate General in Guangzhou, and Rossella Giacometti, Cultural Commissioner of the Italian Consulate General, as well as Veronica Ricotta, a researcher at the University for Foreigners Siena specializing in the history of the Italian language, and Lara Broecke, a British art restorer and expert in Western art history, all served as keynote speakers.
During the speeches, Pietro De Laurentis explored the topic of "A Comparative Study of Artistic Terminology in Chinese and Italian and Its Academic Significance", comparing the art and calligraphy terminology found in Chinese and Italian literature and delving into the similarities and differences manifested by human beings in artistic creation and criticism. According to De Laurentis, both Italian and Chinese artistic literature have exerted profound and foundational influences in Europe and East Asia.
Lara Broecke, a British scholar, delivered a speech titled"How Understanding of the Italian Language Promoted the Artistic Revolution in Britain". She examined 19th-century English translations of Italian literature, placing four English translations of Cennino Cennini's "Il Libro dell' Arte" ("The Craftsman's Handbook") within the broader framework of the then art and art history movements, thus discussing the significance of Italian original art literature.
Veronica Ricotta, the Italian scholar, presented on the topic of "Italian Language and Art - Texts and Times". She provided a comprehensive introduction to the key figures and literary correspondence of Italian art language history, examining the linguistic features of Italian art literature and outlining its textual and temporal characteristics.
Chinese scholars focused primarily on topics related to Chinese calligraphy appreciation, traditional Chinese art theory, and art criticism to explore the issues related to the exchange and communication of Chinese-Italian writing culture in the field of art. Wu Huiping delivered a keynote speech titled "The Three Realms of Calligraphy Appreciation: Brush Image, Brush Intention, and Brush Spirit," sharing insights on how to enter the realms of brush intention and brush spirit through the visual aspect of brush images, ultimately forming a philosophical judgment of"Like authors, like calligraphy".
Guo Weiqi's presentation, "The Six Principles Of Chinese Painting and the Art of Painting" explored the relationship between changes in the form of written language and changes in artistic concepts and the relationship between changes in pictorial language. Huang Xiaoyin's speech, titled"The Path to Sanctification: Raphael in 16th-17th Century Art Criticism", analyzed the series of vocabulary used in art treatises from the 16th to 17th centuries, examining the dissemination of Raphael's artistic discourse.
Following the keynote speeches, the panel of commentators shared their reflections and impressions on relevant issues in Sino-foreign artistic exchanges. The invited experts and scholars engaged in a bilingual roundtable discussion.
意大利著名汉学家、广州美术学院教授毕罗(Pietro De Laurentis)作为会议召集人,邀请了中、意、英三国著名学者,围绕“意大利语—汉语:两门艺术的语言”这一主题展开深度对话与交流。
出席研讨会的嘉宾有意大利驻广州总领事馆副总领事戴伟德(Giorgio Daviddi)、文化专员江梅(Rossella Giacometti),锡耶纳外国人大学研究员、意大利语史专家李珂(Veronica Ricotta),英国艺术修复师、西方美术史专家白兰(Lara Broecke)等主旨发言人。
文|记者 梁善茵
翻译| 陈萱
责编 | 王瑜瑛
校对 | 赵丹丹