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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Under the Mid-Autumn Moonlight: 15 consuls in Hongkong embrace Chinese intangible cultural heritages
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:王漫琪 发表时间:2023-09-29 18:22

On the evening of September 27th, a special event titled "Under the Mid-Autumn Moonlight" kicked off at the Jao Tsung-I Academy in Hong Kong. Fifteen consuls in Hong Kong from different countries, along with nearly a hundred foreign business and financial professionals and local citizens, celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival together and experienced the unique charm of Chinese traditional customs.

The event featured a themed cultural bazaar that combined traditional Chinese clothing fashion shows, folk music performances, intangible cultural heritage demonstrations, and culinary experiences. It provided an immersive experience to appreciate the traditional cultural values of "family reunion, full moon, and national unity." The opening ceremony showcased a joint effort between Hong Kong and Chengdu called "Chengdu Hanfu Week", which featured performances by actors portraying historical figures such as "Madame Huarui", "Sima Xiangru" and "Fan Li". They interacted with the audience and foreign guests. Subsequently, they also held a Hanfu flash mob at the Hong Kong West Kowloon Station and Victoria Park. The event concluded with a grand performance of Chaozhou Luogu  (or gongs and drums), which is one of China's intangible cultural heritages. The powerful and uplifting drum beats received continuous applause from the audience.

In addition to the captivating audiovisual performances, a craftsmanship workshop on intangible cultural heritage was set up in the folk customs pavilion. Amidst the melodious sounds of Lingnan Guqin music, participants had the opportunity to experience the production of wooden palace lanterns, dian cha (or tea art creating) techniques, and taste Chinese delicacies such as mooncakes. Under the guidance of inheritors of intangible cultural heritage, many consuls enthusiastically participated in activities such as calligraphy writing, embroidery learning, and palace lantern making. Morvarid Najafi, an entrepreneur from Iran, who held his self-made palace lantern expressed that it was interesting to participate in such a festive celebration in Hong Kong and gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and traditions.

The exhibition on intangible cultural heritage also intentionally included a dialogue on Cantonese embroidery and Sichuan embroidery. The embroidery techniques presented unique beauty and charm resulting from their inheritance in two different regions, leaving foreign guests captivated.

Organized by the Bauhinia Cultures Holdings, the current cultural event "Under the Mid-Autumn Moonlight" was designed as a global cultural emblem through Hong Kong, an important cultural platform between cultures of East and West. The organizers aimed to showcase the elegance of Chinese traditional culture to the world while connecting people from different regions to appreciate regional integration and enjoy the beauty of cultural exchange.




除了精彩的视听表演盛宴之外,在民俗展示馆还设置了非遗手作体验工作坊。在清幽的岭南古琴曲声里,体验红木宫灯制作、点茶非遗技艺,品尝月饼等中华美食等。在非遗技艺传承人的指导下,多位驻港领事兴致勃勃地参与其中,书写汉字、学习刺绣、亲手制作喜气洋洋的红木宫灯。一位来自伊朗的企业家Morvarid Najafi拿着自己制作的宫灯,称在香港参与这样庆祝中秋的方式很有趣,能够了解到更多有关中国文化和传统的内涵。



文|记者 王漫琪
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 张家梁