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【大美广东】The Consul General of Greece in Guangzhou: wishes to have more time to enjoy Kungfu tea

领事识“遗”| 希腊驻广州总领事马提诺斯·曼达里蒂斯:希望得闲多饮工夫茶

来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2023-09-28 20:54

The most memorable part for Martinos Mandalidis, the Consul General of #Greece in Guangzhou was the #Chaozhou #KungFuTea performance. In his view, "This requires exquisite skills and sufficient patience, and I wish I could have more time in daily life to sit down and enjoy a cup of Chinese tea."#MidAutumnFestival #Moonfestival

日前,在“共享粤色趣团圆——工艺美术体验沙龙”活动中,希腊驻广州总领事马提诺斯·曼达里蒂斯(Martinos Mandalidis, the Consul General of Greece in Guangzhou)表示,当天他印象最深刻的环节是潮州工夫茶艺表演。在他看来,“这需要精湛的技艺和足够的耐心,我希望日常生活中也能有更多时间,静下心来,品饮一杯中国茶。”