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【大美广东】Behind-the-scenes video of the short film "Reunited" is now released


来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2023-09-15 18:11

2023 #MaritimeGuangdong Program has successfully wrapped up its ten short films. Behind-the-scenes video of the short film "Reunited" is now released.

Young director Paco Wen, hailing from the Chaoshan region, captures the essence of his homesickness in this short film, which tells the story of a father's promise with his late wife in a dream.

The broken red radio is rattling while the mother's echoes intermittently. The four siblings, who have grown apart over the years, start a "race" to realize their father's wish...

Underneath the slightly absurd plot is a deep exploration of family love. Will the red radio, a symbol of love, be as good as new? Can the dreamy bubbles spat out by the symbolic koi soak up the dry and cracked love between these siblings? Find your own answers in "Reunited".

#2023山海计划# 短片合集杀青,短片《锦鲤,锦鲤》幕后花絮视频首发!




#山海短片《锦鲤,锦鲤》杀青# #湾区电影新浪潮#