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【大美广东】Behind-the-scenes video of the short film "Fantasy Blues of 'Gua Ling'" is now released


来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2023-09-14 19:31

2023 #MaritimeGuangdong Program has successfully wrapped up its ten short films. Behind-the-scenes video of the short film "Fantasy Blues of 'Gua Ling'" is now released.

"Fantasy Blues of 'Gua Ling'" was filmed in Gualing Ancient Village in Guangzhou's Zengcheng District, which boasts a history of nearly 600 years.

Director Charlotte Chen led the crew through centuries-old trees, ancient village houses, dragon boat teams, and Cantonese opera stage, to capture the surreal feel of this ancient Lingnan village.

Scenes of the film are full of mysterious attractions. All the unknowns are hidden behind the curtains, waiting for the audience to unveil the story.

#2023山海计划# 短片合集杀青,短片《梦幻瓜岭布鲁斯》幕后花絮视频首发!



新鲜的视角、独特的审美、即兴的演出,让《梦幻瓜岭布鲁斯》的各种场景满溢神秘而又吸引力的气息。一切未知都隐藏在幕帘之后,亟待观众亲手掀开故事大幕。#山海短片《梦幻瓜岭布鲁斯》杀青# #湾区电影新浪潮#