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Guide to the 14th Dongguan Taiwan Famous Products Fair
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:石梦卓 发表时间:2023-09-07 23:46

On September 7th in Dongguan, China, the highly anticipated 14th Dongguan Taiwan Famous Products Fair, opened its doors in the bustling streets of Houjie, Dongguan, drawing over 700 participating companies and nearly 4,500 enthusiastic attendees.

Throughout the four-day event, the fair promises an array of forums, concerts, and promotion events to captivate and engage visitors. The exhibition commenced with a grand opening ceremony, graced by prominent leaders and guest speakers, who embarked on a tour of the exhibition halls. In the afternoon, an extravaganza of presentations from cities outside of Guangdong, including those from Shandong, Sichuan, and Jiangxi, took center stage. Following this, the "Thirty Years of Glory: Charity Sale" organized by the Taiwan Businesses Association Dongguan and the promotion event by the Association of Taiwan Investment Enterprises on the Mainland drew a considerable crowd. At the three-hour-long "AI Empowerment: High-Quality Development of the Greater Bay Area" forum starting at 2 p.m., experts and industry representatives shared the latest applications of visual inspection with industrial AI and discussed new opportunities for high-quality development in the digital economy era.

Moving on to the second day of the expo on September 8th, the "Thirty Years of Glory: Charity Sale" continued to capture hearts and wallets. The Xinzhu Pavilion and Taidong Pavilion took the spotlight at the Taiwan Special Pavilion Promotion Meeting, presenting new products from the electronic information and smart living industries. At the "2023 Taiwan Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum," young entrepreneurs from Chinese Taiwan, HKSAR, and Macao SAR shared their inspiring startup stories. In the afternoon, provincial pavilions took their turn in the limelight, and the "2023 High-Quality Development of Lighting Industry Forum" invited industry stalwarts to explore new trends in the lighting market. To add to the artistic atmosphere, a matchbox music concert echoed through the halls in the afternoon, creating an unforgettable experience for attendees.

On September 9th and 10th, in addition to charity sales, there will be thematic pavilion promotion meetings hosted by the organizing committee and promotion meetings for towns in Dongguan. The event will also feature singing performances, health lectures, and the debut of eSports and mobile gaming exhibitions, all poised to keep attendees on the edge of their seats. 



为期4天的东莞台博会将有论坛、演唱会、推介会齐上阵,多种活动丰富观众逛展体验。展会首日,东莞台博会举行开幕仪式,主要领导、嘉宾代表将进行巡馆。下午,举办省外城市馆推介会,山东馆、四川馆、江西馆等将轮番上台。接着,“卅载风华 义传天下”东莞市台协义卖活动、全国台企联推介会将纷至沓来。下午2点,持续3小时的AI赋能·粤港澳大湾区产业高质量发展论坛上,专家和企业代表介绍工业AI视觉检测最新应用,分享数字经济时代制造业高质量发展新机遇。

展会第二天(8日),“卅载风华 义传天下”东莞市台协义卖活动将继续举行。新竹馆、台东馆将携电子信息、智慧生活等行业新产品亮相台湾特色馆推介会。2023台湾青年创新创业论坛上,台港澳青年将分享创业故事。当天下午还将举办省内城市馆推介会,2023照明产业高质量发展论坛将邀请业界学界泰斗们探索照明市场的新趋势。火柴盒小型音乐演唱会也将在当天下午唱响,拉满观展艺术氛围。


文、图 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 石梦卓
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