【大美广东】Typhoon Saola brings abundant shellfish to the beach!
On the morning of September 2, a multitude of seafood, brought by Typhoon Saola, covered the sandy beach in Paijiao Village within the Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone. The presence of oysters, mantis shrimp, and various types of shellfish enticed local residents to partake in the spectacle of beachcombing. Eager to seize the opportunity for fresh catches, citizens and tourists resorted to ingenious methods for bountiful harvests. With wooden shovels, iron spades, fishing nets and so on, the beachcombers exhibited their creative flair in their choice of tools. As the waves rolled onto the shore, they not only delivered an abundance of seafood but also offered relief from the sweltering heat to the attending crowd. Some individuals even indulged in sunbathing on the sandy beach. #citylife
图 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 蔡嘉鸿 严锦程
文 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 陈锴跃