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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud

【大美广东】I Am What I Am 2: Coming Next Summer


来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2023-08-18 18:47

The first concept poster and a 30-second concept teaser of the Chinese action-comedy animated film I Am What I Am 2, directed by Sun Haipeng and produced by Zhang Miao, was recently unveiled.  In the poster, the lion dance occupies the main image, while the protagonists pose in front of the Oriental Pearl Tower. So, this time, what new legends will they create? The director revealed that the protagonist A Juan's living conditions will improve, and the scenes won't be limited to Guangdong. The film will also introduce new characters. Regarding the inheritance of Lingnan intangible cultural heritage, he believes that the lion dance not only represents the inheritance of Lingnan martial arts but also embodies the vibrancy of Guangdong's life and the spirit of striving. #artandculture



文、图、视频/羊城晚报全媒体记者 刘佳宁 实习生 郑泳丹