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I See China|Caelan in love with China: Being here makes him proud
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:曾潇 古司祺 付怡 戚美青 胡广欣 黎杰文 胡广欣 发表时间:2024-05-21 21:35

"If you want to know the real China, you have to come here and see it for yourself."——Caelan

Recently, the Yangcheng Evening News interviewed Caelan, a Japanese-American singer developing career in China. Before the interview, when his colleague asked the reporter to excuse Caelan's Mandarin, Caelan playfully defend his language skills, "That's nonsense! I can speak Chinese, really!"


Caelan became known to Chinese audiences through the talent show "Produce Camp 2021 (Chuang 2021)". Born in Cuba, he has lived and worked in Spain, the United States, Japan, and other countries. When asked which Chinese phrase left him the deepest impression, he chose "四海为家"(cosmopolitan).

As a true "cosmopolitan", Caelan has developed a special connection with China. He said, "I really love China, its culture, and its high-tech advancements. I've made many good friends here and we have shared many wonderful memories. I'm not Chinese, but I feel like homein China."

Choosing China: An inclusive market and a vast stage

Before coming to China, Caelan had begun his career in Japan. In 2021, when invited to participate in a Chinese talent show, he didn't hesitate. He once said, "When I saw the previous seasons of 'Produce Camp', I thought, 'This stage is amazing', and I was really excited!"

After "Produce Camp 2021" ended, Caelan's career continued to advance steadily. He has released several original music works and is about to launch a new album. Caelan said, "The experiences and memories I have in China greatly inspire my music creation."

Getting to know China: From Jackie Chan to "The Wandering Earth"

Before coming to China, Caelan's understanding of China was limited, mostly through Jackie Chan’s movies. After arriving, he gained a new perspective on China.

He finds Mandarin difficult, but he persists in learning it. During the interview, although the reporter offered to speak in Englishseveral times, he insisted on using Mandarinand repeatedly confirmed the pronunciations of unfamiliar words.

Recently, Caelan watched the movie "The Wandering Earth". From traditional Jackie Chan’s action films to modern Chinese sci-fi movies like "The Wandering Earth", Caelan's evolving understanding of China has given him much to think about.

"This movie's high-tech, visual effects, and storyline has left a deep impression on me. I think it’s excellent. Human being share one big family. We should help each other and take care of the Earth", Caelan said.

Falling in love with China: Hoping friends and families can visit

What impresses Caelan the most is China's technological development, joking that adapting to the convenient lifestyle in China also requires "learning".

Talking about food, Caelan animatedly shared his love for Chinese cuisine. "In the U.S., I never ate duck, but in China, I discovered how delicious it is. I am really willing to eat roast duck every day."

Caelan is also particularly addicted toChinese spicy food. He said, "I tend to get pimples when I eat spicy food, but whenever I go to Chengdu, I just can't help it. I must eat hotpot there; it's just too delicious."

China's stunning scenery also amazed Caelan. He chose Inner Mongolia to shoot the music video for his single "Forever With You", where he discovered the beauty of the grasslands. "The scenery, the starry sky, the moonlight there are just so beautiful",  Caelan said.

Caelan's families and friends are also curious about China, and he often shares his experiences with them, hoping they will have the chance to visit and see China for themselves.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News
























统筹|蒋铮 赵鹏
文案、台本|曾潇 古司祺 付怡 戚美青 胡广欣
视频|黎杰文 温泽广