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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud

【大美广东】Protect Wildlife and Plants, Let's Work Together For a Greener and More Beautiful Guangzhou!


来源:羊城晚报-云上岭南 发表时间:2025-03-04 20:54

On the occasion of the 12th World Wildlife Day, Guangzhou Zoo hosted a themed event titled “To Increase Conservation Investment of species, to Build a Community of Life on Earth” on March 2, attracting over 1,000 participants to celebrate this ecological event. The event included a youth ecological creativity competition, specimen displays, research-based learning experiences, exhibiting the achievement of building a green and beautiful Guangdong.

在第十二个“世界野生动植物日”到来之际,3月2日,“加大物种保护投入力度 共建地球生命共同体”主题宣传活动在广州动物园火热开展,千余人共赴这场生态盛会。现场同步启动青少年生态创意赛事,开设标本展示、研学体验等五大互动展区,展现“绿美广州”建设成效。


